Records made by Peter Goldblatt

Records: 16

The following is a list of the records made by Peter Goldblatt in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
81080Begonia princeae14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7559 Brachystegia woodland. Woodland among rock outcrops. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Flowers pink.

81287Ceropegia purpurascens14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7546 WD Stevens MO
Brachystegia woodland. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Growing in shade.

81345Chlorophytum lancifolium14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7543 I Nordal Brachystegia woodland. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Rock outcrops, in crevices in light shade.

81990Disperis parvifolia14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7568 Kitwe District; Rocky hill near Chati Forest Station, Champala Nature Reserve. 0Zambia W0

Pink-purple flowers, growing in decaying leaves.

82019Dorstenia benguellensis14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7547 Brachystegia woodland. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Light shade along the river.

82190Eriospermum porphyrovalve16 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7573 Baluba, N of Luanshya. Mava Hill, Luanshya District; 0ZambiaW0

Yellow flowers; growing in wet rocks in thin sandy soil.

82343Freesia grandiflora subsp. grandiflora19 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7576 Sidewalk under trees.Lusaka District; Church Road, near Evelyn Hone College 0Zambia C0

Bright red flower with darker red markings at the base of the three lower tepals.

82376Gladiolus gracillimus14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7561 Short grass dambo.Kitwe District; Chembe Bird Sanctuary, south of Kitwe. 0Zambia W0

Local in short grass dambo.

82470Heliotropium ovalifolium11 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7538 JS Miller MO
Wet flat grassland Lusaka, wet flat grassland in vacant lot on Church Road in grounds of Evelyn Hone College. 0ZambiaC0

White flower with a yellow throat.

82657Isoetes schweinfurthii14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7557 Brachystegia woodland. Woodland among rock outcrops. Wet shallow sand over rock.Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

82807Littonia littonioides11 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7536 Open grasslandOpen grassland at the south end of Cairo Road, Lusaka. 0ZambiaC0

Flowers green, drooping.

82912Micrococca mercurialis14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7550 Brachystegia woodland. Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0ZambiaW0

Shallow soil on rock outcrop.

82960Moraea carsonii14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7544 Brachystegia woodland. Local in shallow soil, foot of rock outcrop.Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0Zambia W0

82961Moraea carsonii14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7565 Laterite soil at upper edge of dambo.Kitwe District; Kafubu Station. 0Zambia W0

Flowers blue-purple with yellow nectar guides.

83554Savannosiphon euryphyllus14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7541 Brachystegia woodland. Local around the base of termite mounds; flowers white.Kitwe District; Mwekera River near Forestry College. 0Zambia W0

83960Thesium fastigiatum14 Jan 1986P Goldblatt
P Goldblatt 7563 RM Polhill K
At dambo edge.Kitwe District; Chembe Bird Sanctuary, south of Kitwe. 0ZambiaW0

Light bush at dambo edge.


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Records made by Peter Goldblatt., retrieved 21 September 2024

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