Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Living plant images of Colchicaceae

Images for each species

This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular family.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Zimbabwean and Mozambican websites.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.

Androcymbium roseum W,C,S
Androcymbium roseum

Picture: Douglas Laing
Kafue District, Lusaka W 13km Nosarka's farm.

Androcymbium roseum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Lusaka W 13km Nosarka's farm.

Androcymbium roseum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Lusaka W 13km Nosarka's farm.

Androcymbium roseum

Picture: Leith Woodall
Near Kalizo Lodge, Caprivi.

Androcymbium striatum B,C
Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Vumba Rd before Westaway

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Vumba Rd before Westaway

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Nyangombe Falls carpark

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Kanyanja, Lusaka SE 25km.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along road from Penhalonga to turn-off to Stapleford.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along road from Penhalonga to turn-off to Stapleford.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Nyangombe Swimming Pool, Nyanga National Park.

Androcymbium striatum

Picture: Bart Wursten
Nyangombe Swimming Pool, Nyanga National Park.

Camptorrhiza strumosa S
Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Penny English
Near the hide at Shumba, Hwange National Park.

Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Penny English
Near Towa airstrip, Matabeleland South

Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Penny English
Near Towa airstrip, Matabeleland South

Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Penny English
Near Towa airstrip, Matabeleland South

Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Pascal Vittoz
Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana

Camptorrhiza strumosa

Picture: Pascal Vittoz
Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana

Gloriosa sessiliflora B
Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Mongu District, Lealui

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Mongu District, Mongu, Bulozi floodplain. c. 2 km West of Lealui.

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, ex Sioma.

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Sesheke District, Mwandi.

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Sesheke District, Mwandi, Zambezi floodplain.

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Mike Bingham
Shang'ombe (was Senanga) District, Sioma, Ngonye Falls.

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Ngonye Falls, Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Ngonye Falls, Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Ngonye Falls, Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Ngonye Falls, Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province

Gloriosa sessiliflora

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Ngonye Falls, Sioma, Sioma District, Western Province

Gloriosa superba B,N,W,C,E,S
Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Vumba Gateway garden

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Tiger Kloof, Mutare

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Petra Ballings
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Helen Pickering
South of Livingstone: take the road past Batoka Sky (Sichinga road on 1974 map) to the T junction, turn right, on right hand side about half way to ZAWA gate.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Helen Pickering
Riverside drive about 300m before ZAWA gate

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Petra Ballings
School site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt. Gorongosa

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Petra Ballings
School site Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt. Gorongosa

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Edge of Aberfoyle Golf course

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Val D'Or

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Path from entrance gate to Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
By road from Birchenough Bridge-Masvingo Rd to Lake Kyle Recreational Park entrance gate

Gloriosa superba

Picture: David Gwynne-Evans
Lower slopes Mt Mabu

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Nyahokwe Hill, Nyanga

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Michelle Harvey-Hyde
Near summit of Hill Complex, Great Zimbabwe

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Serenje District, Kundalila Falls.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Ikelenge District, Kamukanda.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Kafue District, Chipongwe Cave, Lusaka SSW 28km

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Protea Hill Farm, Lusaka

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Mwinilunga District, Kabompo River at Ntambu.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Mwinilunga District, Kabompo River at Ntambu.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka East

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along road between Runde River and Tembwahata, Gonarezhou National Park.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Tomas Buruwate
Niassa Game Reserve.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Tomas Buruwate
Niassa Game Reserve.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Near Rhino Hotel, Old Runde Bridge.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Nhago Camp, Coutada 12

Gloriosa superba

Picture: David Gwynne-Evans
Inhaca Island.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along track from Kazungula road to Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp, Kavango River

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Mukolo Camp, Kavango River

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along Khami road before turn-off to Chesa Forest Land, Umguza District.

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Main road from Thazima Gate, Nyika National Park

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Bart Wursten
Along path to Mt Binga above Nhamadzi River crossing, Chimanimani National Reserve

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Frances Murray-Hudson
Near Thamlakhane River, Maun

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Frances Murray-Hudson
Near Thamlakhane River, Maun

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Frances Murray-Hudson
Near Thamlakhane River, Maun

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mark Hyde
Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mark Hyde
Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Mark Hyde
Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Gloriosa superba

Picture: Gerry Brown
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Iphigenia oliveri C,S
Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
Msorodoni Farm, rd to Mtoroshanga

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
By the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
By the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
By the lodges, Lake Kyle Recreational Park

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
Hills behind Valley of Kings, Mutare

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
Amongst piles of stone and walls, near Great Enclosure, Great Zimbabwe

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
Hippo Pools, by road in to camp

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Pascal Vittoz
Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Pascal Vittoz
Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Pascal Vittoz
Chobe Enclave, Northern Botswana

Iphigenia oliveri

Picture: Bart Wursten
Monavale Vlei

Littonia lindenii N,W,C
Littonia lindenii

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lumangwe Falls

Littonia littonioides N,W,C
Littonia littonioides

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka SE 20km., Jellis' farm (Lazy J Ranch).

Littonia littonioides

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka SE 13km, Protea Hill Farm.

Littonia littonioides

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka SE 13km, Protea Hill Farm.

Littonia littonioides

Picture: Mike Bingham
Lusaka SE 13km, Protea Hill Farm.

Ornithoglossum vulgare N,E,S
Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Bill Clarke
Near gum plantation, Val D'Or

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Bill Clarke
Near gum plantation, Val D'Or

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Bill Clarke
Near gum plantation, Val D'Or

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Bart Wursten
Great Dyke, nr Kopje Tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Bart Wursten
Great Dyke, nr Kopje Tops, Mavhuradonha Wilderness Area

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Ornithoglossum vulgare

Picture: Nicholas Wightman
Kazungo area, Sioma District, Western Province

Wurmbea tenuis subsp. goetzei N,W,E
Wurmbea tenuis subsp. goetzei

Picture: Penny English
Below old stables, Chelinda area, Nyika National Park.

Wurmbea tenuis subsp. goetzei

Picture: Penny English
Below old stables, Chelinda area, Nyika National Park.

Wurmbea tenuis subsp. goetzei

Picture: Penny English
Below old stables, Chelinda area, Nyika National Park.

Wurmbea tenuis subsp. goetzei

Picture: Penny English
Below old stables, Chelinda area, Nyika National Park.

10 species found

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Utilities: Living plant images of Colchicaceae.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-living-images-by-family.php?family_id=58, retrieved 21 September 2024

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