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Gonçalves, A.E. (2005) Solanaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(4)
Herbs, shrubs or rarely trees. Stipules 0 (but pseudostipules are present in Solanum mauritianum). Leaves alternate, or occasionally fasciculate. Flowers bisexual, hypogynous, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, solitary or in cymes, clusters or racemes. Calyx (3-)5(-6)-lobed, often persistent and accrescent. Corolla gamopetalous with 5 (or more) lobes. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube. Disk usually present. Ovary superior, usually 2-locular; ovules numerous. Fruit a capsule or berry. Worldwide: 94 genera and 2,950 species, ± cosmopolitan, but especially South America. Zambia: 10 cultivated genera and 20 cultivated taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Browallia L. | Description |
Brugmansia Pers. | Description |
Brunfelsia L. | Description |
Capsicum L. | Description |
Cestrum L. | Description |
Iochroma Benth. | Description |
Lycianthes (Dunal) Hassl. | |
Nicotiana L. | Description |
Solandra Sw. | Description |
Solanum L. | Description, Image |
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