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Leguminosae subfam. Caesalpinioideae
Brenan, J.P.M. (1967) Leguminosae Subfamily Caesalpinioideae Flora of Tropical East Africa
Brummitt, R.K., Chikuni, A.C., Lock, J.M. & Polhill, R.M. (2007) Leguminosae Subfamily Caesalpinioideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(2)
Coates Palgrave, K. (revised and updated by Meg Coates Palgrave) (2002) Trees of Southern Africa 3rd edition. Struik, South Africa
Högberg, P. & Piearce, G.D., (1986) Mycorrhizas in Zambian trees in relation to host taxonomy, vegetation type and successional patterns Journal of Ecology 74 775-785
Ross, J.H. (1977) Caesalpinioideae Flora of Southern Africa 16(2)
Trees or shrubs, less often climbers or herbs. Leaves usually 1-pinnate, less often simple or 2-pinnate. Inflorescences usually of spikes or panicles of racemes, rarely of spikes or capitate; racemes sometimes condensed to umbel-like fascicles. Flowers usually ± zygomorphic. Sepals usually free, sometimes ± connate. Petals imbricate in bud, usually with the dorsal within and overlapped by the lateral, free or sometimes connate below, usually 5, sometimes reduced to 1 or 0. Stamens usually 10 or fewer (rarely numerous), free or ± connate below. Pods various. Seeds generally without areoles. Comment: Colophospermum, Baikiaea, Cryptosepalum, Isoberlinia, Julbernardia and Brachystegia all include widespread dominants in the Zambezian Domain. All are woody, mostly trees, or shrubs (Cryptosepalum, Copaifera), or geoxylic suffrutices (Cryptosepalum & Brachystegia). Nitrogen fixing rhizobial root symbiosis does not occur in the group. Four of the most widespread woodland dominants (Cryptosepalum, Isoberlinia, Julbernardia) and )Brachystegia) have ectomycorrhizal symbiosis; both VAM (vesicular arbuscular) and EM occur in Afzelia quanzensis.
Worldwide: 153 genera and 2,175 species, mostly tropical. Zambia: 8 cultivated genera and 15 cultivated taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Acrocarpus Wight ex Arn. | Description |
Bauhinia L. | Description |
Caesalpinia L. | Description |
Chamaecrista Moench | Description |
Delonix Raf. | Description |
Moullava Adans. | |
Schizolobium Vogel | Description |
Senna Mill. | Description |
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