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Bailey, L.H. (1949) Manual of Cultivated Plants Revised edition. Macmillan, New York.
Henderson, L. (2001) Alien weeds and invasive plants Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 12. Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa.
Rhizomatous herbs with annual stems. Leaves large, spirally arranged, pinnately veined, with a sheathing base. Flowers in terminal bracteate spikes. Sepals free, persistent. Petals 3, shortly connate at base, unobtrusive, 1 smaller. Staminodes 1-4, petaloid, brightly coloured. Stamen 1, petaloid, bearing a half anther laterally. Style also petaloid with an oblique terminal stigma. Ovary inferior, 3-locular. Fruit a capsule. Worldwide: 1 genus and 8-10 species, tropical and warm America. Zambia: 1 genus and 1 taxon. |
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Canna L. | Description |
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