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Herbs with prostrate stems rooting at the nodes, usually occurring on the forest floor. Stipules interpetiolar. Leaves opposite, ovate to reniform with a cordate base; petiole usually long. Flowers borne on long peduncles, solitary or in a terminal umbel surrounded by an involucre of bracts. Calyx 4-7-lobed. Corolla cylindric or funnel-shaped; lobes 4-7. Ovary 2-locular; each loculus with one ovule. Stigma lobes 2. Fruit a fleshy drupe. Worldwide: c. 20 species in the tropics Zambia: 2 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
erythrocarpa Vanthournout & Dessein | W | |
obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. | N,W,C | Description, Image |
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