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Beentje, H.J. & Ghazanfar, S.A. (eds.) (2005) Compositae (Part 3) Flora of Tropical East Africa
Tadesse, M. (1993) An Account of Bidens (Compositae: Heliantheae) for Africa Kew Bulletin 48(3) 437-516
Wild, H. (1967) The Compositae of the Flora Zambesiaca area. 1. Heliantheae. Kirkia 6(1) 1-62
Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves opposite, divided or compound, namely 2-3-pinnatisect, 3-foliolate or pinnate. Leaflets or lobes varying from linear to broadly ovate. Capitula usually radiate. Phyllaries in 2 series; outer herbaceous, inner usually scarious. Receptacular scales present. Ray florets neuter, sometimes 0; disk florets bisexual. Rays yellow, orange, golden, white or 0. Achenes bilaterally flattened or 3-4(-5)-angled, linear to broadly obovate; margin often thickened or winged. Pappus of 0-5 barbed (forwardly or backwardly) bristles. Worldwide: 340 species, cosmopolitan, most in the New World but 63 species in Africa. Zambia: 17 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Provinces | Content |
acuticaulis Sherff var. acuticaulis | N,W,C,S | E,Lk,S | Description, Image |
acuticaulis Sherff var. filirostris (P. Taylor) T.G.J. Rayner | ? | ||
baumii (O. Hoffm.) Sherff | ? | ||
biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff | N,E | Cb,C,S | Description, Image |
crocea Welw. ex O. Hoffm. | E | Mc | |
diversa Sherff | N | Mc | |
grandis Shreff | N,W | Cb,N | |
lineariloba Oliv. | E | N | Description, Image |
oblonga (Sherff) Wild | N | ||
ochracea (O. Hoffm.) Sherff | N,E | Description, Image | |
oligoflora (Klatt) Wild[DD] | W | W,Cb,N,C | |
pilosa L. | Cb,N,C,Lk,W | Description, Image | |
pinnatipartita (O. Hoffm.) Willd. | E | Mc | Description, Image |
rubicundula Sherff[End][VU] | W | Nw | Description, Image |
schimperi Sch. Bip. | B,N,C,S | N,Lk,W | Description, Image |
steppia (Steetz) Sherff var. steppia | N,C,E | Cb,N,E,Lk,S | |
urceolata De Wild.[LR-nt] | N,W | Nw,N | Description, Image |
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