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Massive monocarpic succulent scapose plants; trunk usually absent. Leaves up to 50 cm wide; up to 3 m long; lanceolate; very fibrous; toothed with a firm blunt point at the apex. Inflorescence paniculate; 2-5 clusters to 13 m tall; drooping, frequently producing bulbils. Flowers with tepals spreading; greenish-white, ovate or oblong; ovary inferior. Fruit a globose or cylindric capsule, infrequently produced. Seeds many, black, flat. Derivation of name: after A. T. Fourcroy, 1755-1809, a French botanist. Worldwide: c. 20 species in tropical America. Zambia: 1 taxon. |
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foetida (L.) Haw. | Description, Image |
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