492.000 Rhynchospora Vahl

Description of the genus

Perennial (in ours) leafy herbs. Rhizome short and creeping or rudimentary. Leaves numerous, usually stiff with minute spine-like teeth on the margin, either densely crowded at the base, or well spaced along the stem. Ligule 0 or rudimentary. Inflorescence usually a panicle, frequently the branches ending in corymbs. Spikelets with spirally arranged glumes; usually the lowest 3-5 glumes empty, the upper bisexual and the uppermost male only. Perianth 0 (candida) or consisting of 6 bristles with minute spine-like teeth directed towards apex. Stamens 2-3. Stigmas 2 or style subentire. Nutlet transversely wavy or smooth; base of style persistent as a conic or flattened cap.

Worldwide: c. 250 species, ± cosmopolitan, but especially tropical and warm areas of S America

Zambia: 9 taxa.

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Links to taxa:     View: living plant images - herbarium specimen images - all images for this genus

SpeciesFZ divisionsContent
angolensis TurrillB,N,W,CDescription, Image
brevirostris Griseb.B,N,W,SDescription, Image
brownii Roem. & Schult.N,W,C,EDescription, Image
candida (Nees) C. B. ClarkeB,N,W,CDescription, Image
corymbosa (L.) Britton
gracillima Thwaites subsp. subquadrata (Cherm.) J. Raynal
holoschoenoides (Rich.) HerterB,W,C,SDescription, Image
perrieri Cherm.
rugosa (Vahl) Gale subsp. brownii (Roem. & Schult.) T.KoyamaN

Other sources of information about Rhynchospora:

Our websites:

Flora of Botswana: Rhynchospora
Flora of Burundi: Rhynchospora
Flora of Caprivi: Rhynchospora
Flora of Malawi: Rhynchospora
Flora of Mozambique: Rhynchospora
Flora of Zimbabwe: Rhynchospora

External websites:

African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg): Rhynchospora
BHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library): Rhynchospora
EOL (Encyclopedia of Life): Rhynchospora
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility): Rhynchospora
Google: Web - Images - Scholar
iNaturalist: Rhynchospora
IPNI (International Plant Names Index): Rhynchospora
JSTOR Plant Science: Rhynchospora
Mansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: Rhynchospora
Plants of the World Online: Rhynchospora
Tropicos: Rhynchospora
Wikipedia: Rhynchospora

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Genus page: Rhynchospora.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/genus.php?genus_id=288, retrieved 16 February 2025

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