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Annual herbs. Stipules small or 0, often caducous. Leaves basal or in whorls on the stems, glabrous, entire. Inflorescence cymose, laxly dichasial or in the form of an umbel. Flowers bisexual, greenish or whitish, inconspicuous. Perianth segments 5, free. Stamens 3-5, rarely more. Ovary superior, of 3-5 united carpels, 3-5-locular. Fruit a loculicidal capsule. Seeds many, flattened. Worldwide: c. 35 species in tropical and warm areas Zambia: 3 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
cerviana (L.) Ser. var. cerviana | Description, Image | |
cerviana (L.) Ser. var. spathulifolia Fenzl | Description, Image | |
nudicaulis Lam. | N,E,S | Description, Image |
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