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Mackinder, B. et al. (2001) Papilionoideae Flora Zambesiaca 3(5)
Herbs, shrubs or suffrutices, sometimes climbing. Leaves pinnately or rarely digitately 3-foliolate, often appearing after the flowers. Inflorescences axillary. Calyx with 5 lobes, the upper pair fused to form an entire or 2-fid lip. Corolla usually a shade of purple, sometimes yellow. Standard glabrous outside, often auriculate with small oblong cone-shaped appendages. Style swollen, thickened, with a ring of hairs around the terminal capitate stigma. Pods flattened laterally. Worldwide: 60 species in the Old World tropics, principally in Africa Zambia: 23 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
bianoensis R.Wilczek subsp. orientalis Verdc. | N | |
brevidentatus Mackinder | B,W | |
filifoliolus Verdc. [DD] | N,W | |
glabrescens R.Wilczek | W | |
gululu De Wild. | N,W,C | |
ichthyophone Verdc. var. sunzuensis Mackinder | N | |
kilimandscharicus Harms ex Taub. subsp. kilimandscharicus | B,N,W,C,E,S | Description, Image |
linearifolius I.M. Johnst. | B,C,S | |
lualabensis R.Wilczek subsp. ufipaensis Verdc. | N,W,E | Description, Image |
magnificus Verdc. [DD] | B,N | Description |
mendoncae Torre | B,W | |
oliveri Schweinf. | C | |
petiolatus R.Wilczek | N,S | Image |
pseudocajanus Welw. ex Baker | N | |
pseudocomplanatus R.Wilczek [NrEnd] | N,W | Description, Image |
sericeus E. Mey. subsp. sericeus | E | Description, Image |
simplicifolius Hook. f. | W | |
subcapitatus R.Wilczek var. angustifolius Mackinder | W | Description |
subcapitatus R.Wilczek var. subcapitatus | N,W | Description |
trilobus L. subsp. trilobus | N,S | |
trilobus L. subsp. trilobus var. richardsiae Mackinder | N | |
trinervatus Baker | B,N,W,C,E | Description, Image |
xiphophyllus Baker | N |
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