Home | > | Literature | > | Alvarado-Cardenas, L., Villaseñor, J., Lopez-Mata, L., Cadena, J. & Ortiz, Enrique. (2017) |
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Alvarado-Cardenas, L., Villaseñor, J., Lopez-Mata, L., Cadena, J. & Ortiz, Enrique. (2017) | Systematics, distribution and conservation of Cascabela (Apocynaceae: Rauvolfioideae: Plumerieae) in Mexico. | Plant Systematics and Evolution. | 1055 |
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Home | > | Literature | > | Alvarado-Cardenas, L., Villaseñor, J., Lopez-Mata, L., Cadena, J. & Ortiz, Enrique. (2017) |