Location: Nhamacoa Forest

Image 1

Photo: Google Earth
Satellite image indication location of Nhamacoa Forest

Image 2

Photo: Anton Gårdman
Nhamacoa forest, seen from adjacent farmland

Image 3

Photo: Anton Gårdman
Disturbance inside the forest.

Image 4

Photo: Anton Gårdman
Paulo Tomussene from Trees4Moz with one of the last remaining giants in Nhamacoa Forest (Khaya nathotheca).

General Information

Quarter degree square: 1933B3

Country: Mozambique

Habitat: Remnant lowland evergreen and riverine forest and miombo woodland.

Altitude range: 460 - 512

Annual rainfall:

Location (short): Remnant of formerly large forest and woodland area South of Chimoio, about 20 km East road 216 between Zembe and Sussundenga.

Location (detailed):


The Nhamacoa Forest is a remnant of a once enormous Miombo forest (Cambell 1996, WWF 2018), now largely destroyed by human activities. Covering an area of only 30 ha it is completely surrounded by subsistence farmers and their fields. As the wildlife in the forest is expanding and is trapped inside this area, it is essential to increase their habitat. Illegal logging is an on-going problem as the mashamba owners (farmers and landowners) turn to charcoal making to supplement their incomes. Uncontrolled fires are the biggest threats to the local forest. Without protection, the remainder of the Nhamacoa Forest and its wildlife will eventually be destroyed.

Useful links

View a list of records for Nhamacoa Forest

View a list of unique taxa (excluding cultivated plants) for Nhamacoa Forest

View a list of unique taxa (all taxa whether cultivated or not) for Nhamacoa Forest

View map showing records

View a list of recorders who have visited this location

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Location details: Nhamacoa Forest.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/location-display.php?location_id=221, retrieved 13 February 2025

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