Taton, Auguste Simon

List: records (0) | collections (0) | images (0) | determinations (0) | confirmations (0) made by Auguste Taton

The above links show records made of species which occur in Zambia. The actual records may have been made anywhere.

Map: records by QDS

General Information

Date of birth: 24 Jan 1914

Date of death: 27 Oct 1998


Belgian agricultural engineer (colonial section). He first worked at the Institute of National Parks of the Belgian Congo, he then left for the Belgian Congo in November 1945 and held the position of assistant in the Botany Division of the National Institute for the Study agronomy of Congo (INEAC). After returning to Belgium, he worked then in the “Flora” cell at the Botanical Garden of the State in Brussels, where he continued his studies on the flora of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Person details: Taton, A.
https://www.zambiaflora.com/speciesdata/person-display.php?person_id=1690, retrieved 10 October 2024

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