Home | > | List of families | > | Hydrocharitaceae | > | Ottelia | > | ulvifolia |
Synonyms: |
Damasonium ulvifolium Planch. Ottelia lancifolia A. Rich. Ottelia latifolia De Wild. Ottelia plantaginea Ridl. |
Common names: | |
Frequency: | |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Aquatic herb. All parts smooth or with only minute, unicellular teeth. Leaves submerged, only floating in shallow water, numerous, tufted, ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 8-40 cm long, thin and often translucent, pale green to brownish-green, often with purple markings; petiole distinct or undifferentiated from a gradually tapering blade. Inflorescence appearing just above the surface of the water, peduncles 3-angled; spathes elliptic-oblong,ovate or nearly circular, c. 2-5 cm long. Flowers bisexual; sepals 3, lanceolate to linear, 8-15 mm long, translucent, pale green or pinkish-brown, darker at the tip and darker brownish veins; petals 3 obovate, up to 25 × 10 mm, yellow, white or white with a yellow base, often wrinkled. Fruit ovoid to oblong-cylindric, 20-40 mm long, opening by decay. |
Type location: |
Madagascar |
Notes: | |
Derivation of specific name: | ulvifolia: with leaves submerged in water |
Habitat: | |
Altitude range: (metres) | |
Flowering time: | |
Worldwide distribution: | Throughout tropical and subtropical Africa |
National distribution: | B,N,W,E,S |
Zambian distribution (Provinces): | Cb,Lp,E,S,W |
Growth form(s): | Aquatic. |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Images last updated: | Tuesday 9 May 2017 |
Literature: |
Chapano, C. & Mugarisanwa, N.H. (2003). Plants of the Matobo District National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe Page 27. Da Silva, M.C., Izidine, S. & Amude, A.B. (2004). A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of Mozambique. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 30 Sabonet, Pretoria Page 127. Heath, A. & Heath, R. (2009). Field Guide to the Plants of Northern Botswana including the Okavango Delta Kew Publishing Page 274. (Includes a picture). Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 91. Setshogo, M.P. (2005). Preliminary checklist of the plants of Botswana. Sabonet Report no. 37. Sabonet, Pretoria and Gaborone Page 124. Symoens, J.J. (2009). Hydrocharitaceae Flora Zambesiaca 12(2) Pages 31 - 32. Timberlake, J.R. & Childes, S.L. (2004). Biodiversity of the Four Corners Area: Technical Reviews Volume Two (Chapter 5-15) Appendix 5-1: Plant Checklist Occasional Publications in Biodiversity 15 Page 185. |
Home | > | List of families | > | Hydrocharitaceae | > | Ottelia | > | ulvifolia |