Stems prostrate or scandent to 10 m, sparsely to very densely shortly and finely crispate-pubescent, arising from large woody tuberous rootstock; all parts foetid. Tendrils 2-fid. Leaves simple, lamina 4.7–10.7 × 5.0–10.4 cm, ovate to broadly ovate in outline, deeply cordate, remotely denticulate to sinuate-serrate, finely pubescent on veins beneath, finely pubescent above, unlobed or usually shortly palmately 3–5-lobed, the median lobe largest, broadly triangular to ovate, acuminate, acute, apiculate; lateral lobes much shorter. Petiole 2.1–9.2 cm long, rather densely shortly finely pubescent. Flowers monoecious. male flowers solitary or usually 4–11 in bracteate, pedunculate, subumbelliform or racemiform inflorescences, rarely proliferating into many-flowered fascicles; peduncle 1.1–9.5 cm long; bracts 2–20 mm long, usually ovate or broadly ovate, rounded, apiculate, sessile or shortly stalked; pedicels 0.5–2.7 cm long. Receptacle-tube 3–8 mm long, lobes 3–6 mm long, green or blackish, ovate to broadly ovate or obovate-oblong, rounded to acute, apiculate to long-acuminate, apices sometimes recurved. Petals 11–19 mm long, pale yellow, dark-lined along the veins at the base, recurved. Female flowers solitary or paired; peduncle up to 6.2 cm long, bracteate at apex; bract 7 mm long; pedicel 3 mm long; ovary 16–30 × 5–8 mm, ovoid or ellipsoid, rostrate, longitudinally ridged, finely puberulous, the ridges wing-like, toothed; receptacle-tube very short, 1 mm long, lobes 6–13 mm long, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acutely-acuminate; petals 17–26 mm long. Fruit c. 9 × 5 cm, ellipsoid, shortly rostrate, with 16 longitudinal wing-like ridges; fruit stalk 1 cm or more long, stout. Seeds 16–16.5 × 12.8–13 × 6.5–7.0 mm, asymmetrically ovate in outline, subcompressed, brown, almost smooth, with grooved margins, enveloped in sheaths of fleshy pulp. |