Home | > | List of families | > | Bignoniaceae | > | Tecomaria | > | nyassae |
Synonyms: |
Tecoma nyassae Oliv. Tecoma nyikensis Baker Tecoma shirensis BAker Tecoma whytei C. H. Wright Tecomaria capensis (Thunb.) Spach subsp. nyassae (Oliv.) Brummitt Tecomaria rupium Bullock Tecomaria shirensis (Baker) K. Schum. |
Common names: | |
Frequency: | |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Multi-stemmed, often scrambling shrub, rarely a small tree. Branches usually densely covered with lenticels. Leaves opposite, imparipinnate with 3-6 pairs of leaflets and a terminal leaflet. Petiole and rhachis slightly winged. Leaflets elliptic to ovate, mostly up to 7.5 × 3.5 cm, mostly hairless on both surfaces except for hairtuft domatia below, asymmetrically rounded at the base; margin toothed or scalloped. Flowers bright orange to red, in showy many-flowered terminal heads. Fruit flattened, up to 19 × 1.5 cm, pointed at both ends, dehiscent. Seeds with a transparent papery wing. |
Type location: |
Notes: | |
Derivation of specific name: | nyassae: of the area around Lake Nyassa or Lake Malawi. |
Habitat: | In woodland, on rocky hillsides and along the margins of evergreen forest. |
Altitude range: (metres) | |
Flowering time: | Nov - Apr |
Worldwide distribution: | Northeastern Angola, DRC (Haut-Katanga), Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. |
National distribution: | N,W,C,E,S |
Zambian distribution (Provinces): | Lk |
Growth form(s): | Tree, shrub over 2 m. |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | Rhodogastria amasis (Food plant) |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Literature: |
Baumann, G. (2005). Photographic Guide to Wildflowers of Malawi Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi Pages 132 - 133. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae (Includes a picture). Brummitt, R.K. (1974). Variation and distribution of the African species Tecomaria capensis (Bignoniaceae) Bulletin du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique 44(3/4) Pages 419 - 423. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 117. (Includes a picture). Burrows, J.E., Burrows, S.M., Lötter, M.C. & Schmidt, E. (2018). Trees and Shrubs Mozambique Publishing Print Matters (Pty), Cape Town. Page 880. As Tecomaria nyassae (Includes a picture). Da Silva, M.C., Izidine, S. & Amude, A.B. (2004). A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of Mozambique. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 30 Sabonet, Pretoria Page 37. As Tecoma capensis Diniz, M.A. (1988). Bignoniaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(3) Pages 64 - 67. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae (Includes a picture). Dowsett-Lemaire, F. (1989). The flora and phytogeography of the evergreen forests of Malawi. I: Afromontane and mid-altitude forests; Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 59(1/2) Page 29. As Tecomaria capensis Phiri, P.S.M. (2005). A Checklist of Zambian Vascular Plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 32 Page 36. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae Strugnell, A.M. (2006). A Checklist of the Spermatophytes of Mount Mulanje, Malawi Scripta Botanica Belgica 34 National Botanic Garden of Belgium Page 62. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae White, F., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Chapman, J.D. (2001). Evergreen forest flora of Malawi Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Page 171. As Tecomaria capensis subsp. nyassae |
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