Tree up to 17 m. high; branchlets shortly puberulous. Leaf-lamina 12–18 × 9–12 cm., leathery, broadly elliptic, mostly obcordate at the apex, broadly cordate at the base and with extra leaf-glands in the axils of the lateral nerves; upper surface slightly scaberulous with short pachydermatous straight penicillate hairs on small white cushions; lower surface greyish- or fulvous-pubescent (sometimes glabrescent when old), with relatively long curved pachydermatous hairs mixed with tufted penicillate ones, and with the reticulation and the interreticular areoles densely to sparsely covered with minute stellate hairs; midrib very thick and prominent beneath; lateral nerves 12–15 pairs, slightly incurved, some of them bifurcate near the apex, nerves and bifurcations reaching the margin of the leaf; veins and reticulation very prominent and forming deep cavities; petiole c. 2 cm. long, very thick. Inflorescences, flowers and fruits as in M. katangensis. rom FZ, Vol 1, Part 2, page 407, (1961) Author: P. Duvigneaud |