Pyrophytic erect subshrub (suffrutex) (7.5)15-35 cm tall arising from a thick woody rootstock; stems simple or branched near base, glabrous, dark, wrinkled, with elongated lenticels; leaves opposite or in whorls of 3, lamina 2.5-16(21.5) x 0.8-8.5(12.5) cm, oblong, elliptic, oblong-elliptic or obovate to oblanceolate, glabrous to sparsely shortly pubescent on both surfaces, petioles 3-(10)20 mm long; stipules with broad basal part 2-3 mm long, hairy inside and along the margin, with a glabrous subulate lobe 3-12 mm long; inflorescences slightly to distinctly supra-axillary, divaricately cymose, 10-many-flowered, axes mostly pubescent; peduncle 2-4.5 cm long, forming an acute angle with main stem, pedicels 1-11 mm long, bracts and bracteoles 3-8 mm long; flowers 5(6)-merous; calyx tube 2-4 mm long, obconic, glabrous or pubescent, tubular part of limb 0.5-2.5 mm long, lobes (1)2.5-9 mm long, oblong to linear-lanceolate or narrowly triangular; corolla greenish or greenish-white, the lobes white inside, tube 3-5 mm long, pilose at the throat and with a ring of deflexed hairs set one third of the way to the top, lobes reflexed, 4-5 x 2 mm long, narrowly triangular; fruit yellowish-green becoming red, globose, 18-22 mm in diameter; pyrenes ellipsoid, 11-14 x 8-9 x 8 mm, with a deep irregular longitudinal ridges. |