Collections made by Bob Drummond

Records: 53

The following is a list of the records made by Bob Drummond in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Zambia (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
39832Abrodictyum rigidum22 Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4951 SRGH
In dark forested ravine, growing on rocksLower slopes of Mt. Pene, Glencoe Forest reserve,Chimanimani0Zimbabwe1932D4E1370

122785Adenostemma caffrum Dec 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6778 HE Robinson SRGH
Wet marshy ground.Edge of gold course, Mount Pleasant, Harare.10Zimbabwe1731C3C1493

Ray florets white.

35187Antherotoma naudinii04 May 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7934 RB Drummond SRGH
(Great) Zimbabwe, Ft Victoria (Masvingo)620Zimbabwe2030B4S0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Volume 4: 231 (1978)

35955Asclepias fulva29 Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5068 SRGH
1.5 km from Eagles Nest on Rusape road, Makoni District0Zimbabwe1831B2C1655

Cited in Kew Bulletin 64-3: 381 (Goyder,2009)

35956Asplenium mannii24 Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4997 SRGH
Epiphyte in deep shade of forest in gully Mt. Peni, Glencoe Forest Est., Chimanimani0Zimbabwe1932D4VN895906E1370

74579Brasenia schreberi12 Aug 1964RB Drummond
H Wild
RB Drummond H Wild 6577 SRGH
In streamChilimanzi Communal Land0Zimbabwe1930B1C1400

Inflorescence branches very brittle and reddish.

85052Bulbostylis laniceps08 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6258 SRGH

SRGH; det. doubtful

85057Bulbostylis macra21 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6713 RB Drummond J Cookson SRGH

35775Caldesia reniformis12 Aug 1964RB Drummond
H Wild
RB Drummond H Wild 6575 SRGH
In mud of damChirumanzu C.L. (Chilimanzi)0Zimbabwe1930B1C0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 12 part 2: 8 (2009)

35853Caldesia reniformis Dec 1965RB Drummond
RB Drummond 9006 SRGH
Aquatic in small farm damChibvuti, 20 km NE of Salisbury (Harare)0Zimbabwe1731C2C0

106629Chlorophytum pauper Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4936 SRGH
Around foot of termite mounds in shade. Between Avondale West and Mabelreign10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Roots bearing tubers. Tepals white, filaments white; anthers yellow

118443Corchorus schimperi03 May 1960RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6867 H Wild SRGH
Weed in wheat field.Agricultural Experiment Station, Harare.10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

25521Cynanchum praecox06 Oct 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4893 SRGH
Recently burnt ground on doleriteAvondale; beside site of railway line, Lomagundi Road, opposite West Road.10Zimbabwe1731C3C1500

Flowering just above ground level, corolla greenish-purple; corona creamy white.

88235Cyperus angolensis20 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6687 SRGH

90733Cyperus digitatus subsp. auricomus17 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6576 SRGH

90742Cyperus dubius19 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6617 SRGH

81905Diospyros batocana08 Nov 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6230 Monkoya. 3 miles W of Mankoya.0Zambia0

30' tree; fruits yellow.

117338Dipcadi rigidifolium RB Drummond
S Kativu
RB Drummond S Kativu 1003 SRGH
c. 30 m south of river bank.Mukuvisi Woodland, overlooking Braeside.1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C0

49677Elaphoglossum spathulatum var. spathulatum12 Apr 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6049 SRGH
Steep shady banks below evergreen trees; along fast flowing rocky streamsUpper reaches of Wengi R., where it crosses Mtoroshanga-concession road0Zimbabwe1730B1N1430

97280Elytraria acaulis29 Apr 1957RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5282 SRGH
Nata area, 130 km on Francistown - Maun road.0Botswana2026A1N1000

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 5: 8, 2013.

97285Elytraria acaulis27 Apr 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7760 SRGH
Sibongila Hills, between Chipinda Pools and Fishans, Gonarhezou National PArk.1600Zimbabwe2131B4S300

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 5: 8, 2013.

80294Emiliella drummondii var. drummondii09 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson Drum&Cook 6270 SRGH
In water in canalMongu District. Edge of Bulosi plain below Mongu0Zambia B0

Florets pink.
K, holotype

69883Euphorbia transvaalensis31 Jan 1958RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5402 LC Leach SRGH
On steep rock outcrop in riverine stripNear tributary of Nyakasanga River, Zambezi Escarpment, by main Salisbury - Lusaka road.0Zimbabwe1629A1N650

2 ft. semi-succulent shrub

24586Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides23 Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4968 SRGH
Marshy ground by stream, among grassGlencoe Forest Reserve, Melsetter District0ZimbabweE0

Creeping plant rooting at the nodes

32457Hygrophila linearis14 Oct 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4900 BR
On marshy ground; on damp bare soil among Scirpus, Juncus and Cyperus spp.Kala Estate, c. 7 miles south of Salisbury0Zimbabwe1731C3C1464

Slender much-branched herb, decumbent, rooting at the nodes. Corolla pale lilac.

80264Hypoxis villosa13 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson Drummond 6431 RB Drummond J Cookson Kalabo0Zambia B0

97125Ilex mitis var. mitis24 Nov 1955RB Drummond
RB Drummond 4992 RB Drummond SRGH
Margin of forest in gulleySlopes of Mt Peni, Glencoe Forest Reserve, Chimanimani0Zimbabwe1932D4E1372

20 ft tree; petals white

82581Indigofera barotseënsis14 Nov 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6409 BD Schrire Kalabo. 10 miles N of Kalabo.0ZambiaB0

74603Indigofera charlieriana subsp. charlieriana var. charlieriana27 Apr 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7768 SRGH
Sandy ground near railway line.Between Tswiza and Nyala sidings, Gonarezhou National Park, Nuanetsi (Chiredzi) District1600Zimbabwe2131D3S430

Annual. Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 3 part 4: 38 (2012).

41259Isoetes schweinfurthii28 Apr 1961RB Drummond
ROB Rutherford-Smith
RB Drummond ROB Rutherford-Smith 7557A EACLE Schelpe Hicley SRGH
In water, rooted in mud at edge of small rock-poolNuanetsi R., Gorge upstream Buffalo Bend, Nuanetsi district0Zimbabwe2131C4S0

Probably not distinct from 7557

41260Isoetes schweinfurthii28 Apr 1961RB Drummond
ROB Rutherford-Smith
RB Drummond ROB Rutherford-Smith 7557 EACLE Schelpe Hicley SRGH
In water, rooted in mud at edge of small rock-poolNuanetsi R., gorge upstream from Buffalo Bend, Nuanetsi District0Zimbabwe2131C4S0

97323Kohautia coccinea06 Apr 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6043 SRGH
Groombridge, Mt Pleasant, 8 kms north of Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C1515

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca 5(1). Position chosen to indicate general area

34787Kohautia subverticillata subsp. subverticillata06 Apr 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6045 SRGH
Weed in garden; on red soil Groombridge, Mt Pleasant, c. 5 miles North of Harare 10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Annual to 2ft high; corolla dull yellowish white

102245Lessertia benguellensis16 Mar 1965RB Drummond
H Wild
RB Drummond H Wild 7090 SRGH
Okavango River, 19 km north of Shakawe, on Botswana border.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1821B41005

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 3 part 7: 15 (2003)

102247Lessertia benguellensis09 Mar 1965RB Drummond
H Wild
RB Drummond H Wild 6839 MA Diniz SRGH
Disturbed ground near villageNear Kanyu Pan0Botswana2024B1N931

Annual 60 cm in height; flowers purplish; fruits pale green

35857Limnophyton obtusifolium25 Apr 1961RB Drummond
ROB Rutherford-Smith
RB Drummond ROB Rutherford-Smith 7522 SRGH
Aquatic in panPan 3 miles downstream of Malipati, West of Nuanetsi River (Mwenezi), Mwenezi District0Zimbabwe2130B3S0

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Vol. 12 part 2: 10 (2009)

42292Marsilea ephippiocarpa05 May 1958RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5577 GOE Launert SRGH
Mud at streamside SW Mateke Hills, Malanguve Rd.0Zimbabwe2131C3S0

42468Marsilea ephippiocarpa02 May 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7862 GOE Launert SRGH
Sandy riverbed Fort Victoria Beitbridge road, Mapwe road.0Zimbabwe2030D4S0

82905Microcharis welwitschii27 Mar 1961RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7442 BD Schrire 7 km E of Chizera0Zambia0

84929Nemum angolense27 Mar 1961RB Drummond
ROB Rutherford-Smith
RB Drummond ROB Rutherford-Smith 7437 7 km of Chizera0Zambia1325A1W1179

96278Oldenlandia corymbosa var. linearis06 Apr 1959RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6044 SRGH
Weed on lawn on red soilGroombridge, Mount Pleasant, 5 miles north of Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C0

Small annual to 8 inches; corolla white

49633Ophioglossum costatum03 Feb 1958RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5452 CF Reed SRGH
At edge of damp depression in mopane woodlandAbout 8 miles E.S.E. of Chirundu bridge, to north of main road0Zimbabwe1628B2N450

49636Ophioglossum costatum04 May 1961RB Drummond
ROB Rutherford-Smith
RB Drummond ROB Rutherford-Smith 7664 SRGH
Seepage area on granite slabsNear Lundi R., near turn off to Hippo Pools, Chibi district.0Zimbabwe2030D3S0

49645Ophioglossum gomezianum27 Jan 1956RB Drummond
RB Drummond 5102 CF Reed SRGH
Damp seepage area by rill over graniteSouthern slopes of Ngomakurira, Chinamora Reserve0Zimbabwe1731C1C1550

Plants all from one population

51872Ophioglossum reticulatum04 May 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7939 SRGH
On steep slopes in shade of bushesAcropolis, Masvingo district0Zimbabwe2030B4S0

22480Pteridium aquilinum subsp. capense16 Mar 1960RB Drummond
RB Drummond 6844 SRGH

83518Sacciolepis catumbensis22 Oct 1969RB Drummond
RB Drummond 9250 Brachystegia woodlandSolwezi. Just W of Lumwana East R. on Solwezi-Mwinilunga road. 0Zambia0

Stoloniferous perennial

69011Salacia luebbertii15 Mar 1965RB Drummond
H Wild
RB Drummond H Wild 7065 SRGH
Woodland with Pericopis angolensis, Burkea africana, Erythrophleum etc on white sands19 km SW of Shakawe0Botswana1821D1N1030

Rhizomatous; stems 60-70 cm tall

41860Selaginella dregei03 Apr 1962RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7897 SRGH
Granite rocks Madzivire dip, 4mls of Lundi river bridge, Chibi0Zimbabwe2030D4S0

74231Sesamum calycinum subsp. baumii11 Nov 1959RB Drummond
J Cookson
RB Drummond J Cookson 6339 H-D Ihlenfeldt SRGH
Lake shore on kalahari sand.Kande Lake, c. 8 miles NE of Mongu.0Zambia1523A2B1070

3ft annual; corolla lilac.
Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 8 part 3:102 (1988).

22514Stathmostelma pauciflorum02 Oct 1982RB Drummond
RK Brummitt
RB Drummond RK Brummitt 15846 K
Shinje, SE of Sipolilo, Lomagundi District0Zimbabwe1630D1TS57-52-N1200

35505Striga gesnerioides16 Apr 1981RB Drummond
D Philcox
RB Drummond D Philcox 9070 K
Brachystegia woodlandChriston Bank Botanical Reserve70Zimbabwe1731C1C0

84196Wahlenbergia ramosissima subsp. oldenlandioides20 Mar 1961RB Drummond
RB Drummond 7108 M Thulin UPS
On stony slope in Brachystegia woodlandSolwezi District; 2 km S of Solwezi. 0Zambia1226A2W0

Annual; flowers white.


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Collections made by Bob Drummond., retrieved 27 July 2024

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