Collections made by Peter Smith

Records: 17

The following is a list of the collections made by Peter Smith in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Zambia (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
92710 Bergia pentheriana17 May 1976PA Smith
PA Smith 1741 SRGH
Seasonally flooded Cynodon dactylon grassed floodplainBenqa, Mogohelo River Floodplain0Botswana1923D1N0

Low prostrate herb with small woody rootstock sending out long stems.

92709 Bergia pentheriana4 Jul 1983PA Smith
PA Smith 4335 SRGH
In clay in the dry bed of an ephemeral rainwater pan in mopane woodland/scrubland mosaic.Near Ngamiland/Chobe district boundary road.0Botswana1923B2N0

Prostrate stemmed herb with a woody rootstock. Flowers with white petals with magenta centres.

67922 Dipcadi glaucum29 Nov 1974PA Smith
PA Smith 1201 SRGH
Riverine woodlandAlong the Thamalakane River, Okavango Delta near Maun1640Botswana1923A4N950

67921 Dipcadi longifolium19 Feb 1975PA Smith
PA Smith 1250 SRGH
In open floodplain, sandy soil, moderately compactedAt Xamatshaa Island, Okavango Delta1640Botswana1922B2N970

1.5-2 ft. tall plants. Greenish flowers.

21885 Grangea anthemoides9 Oct 1978PA Smith
PA Smith 2490 SRGH
In clayey soil on the beach of a rain water pan in mopane (scrub and tree).Block 1823D1 (Botswana).0Botswana1823D1N0

Perennial herb with yellow round flower heads. Some plants with white woolly hairs, others not woolly and appearing a much darker green.

77303 Hippocratea indica21 Feb 1985PA Smith
PA Smith 4656 SRGH
In rocky ground on basalt outcrop in mixed woodland.Commissioners Kop.0Botswana1725C3N935

Shrub with very small flowers.

94293 Hippocratea parviflora26 Feb 1983PA Smith
PA Smith 4144 SRGH
In sandy soil on the edge of a Mopane patch on the crest of an undulation.Near the TFC Savuti-Selinda road0Botswana1823C2N953

Shrublet to 40 cm tall forming a group (connected by rhizomes?). No Flowers or fruits available. In very open (tree/scrub) grassland.

68972 Kedrostis foetidissima18 Feb 1975PA Smith
PA Smith 1261 SRGH
From an antheap on the floodplain on the North side of Island, at the base of a Sclerocarya treeXamatshaa Island, Okavango Delta1640Botswana1922B2N971

A small herb giving off an unpleasant smell. Fruit red.

68982 Kedrostis leloja20 Feb 1990PA Smith
PA Smith 5218 SRGH
In Acacia hebeclada thicket on a ridge extending into floodplainBodumatau floodplain, Okavango Delta1640Botswana1923A4N950

Creeper rooted in hard loam with Cynodon grass

68986 Kedrostis leloja25 Feb 1973PA Smith
PA Smith 451 SRGH
On a termitarium within the floodplainGwetshaa Island, Okavango Swamp1640Botswana1923A1N900


68987 Kedrostis leloja10 Jan 1980PA Smith
PA Smith 2947 SRGH
Creeper scrambling over large boulders and partly entwining other vegetation on steep rocky slope. West slope of one of the larger Kgwebe Hills0Botswana2023C1N1030

Fruit deep reddish-orange in colour (mature). Flowers with greenish petals with bright orange centres.

102249 Lessertia benguellensis13 May 1976PA Smith
PA Smith 1732 SRGH
Nxaxumo, Gomoti River, Ngamiland District1640Botswana1923A4N950

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 3 part 7: 15 (2003)

80187 Oplismenus burmannii14 May 1973PA Smith
PA Smith 583 SRGH
Moanachira, Okavango Delta1640Botswana1923A1N961

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca Volume 10 part 3, 1989: 6.

69016 Salacia luebbertii10 Oct 1982PA Smith
PA Smith 3956 SRGH
In patches under upen Acacia erioloba woodland in very sandy soil.At the foot of Maxwixwe sand ridge on Savuti - Linyanti rd, Chobe National Park.0Botswana1824C1N940

Shrublet mostly 1 m tall growing in discrete patches like low thickets. Possibly an evergreen species, leaves always seem to be glistening

69017 Salacia luebbertii25 Feb 1984PA Smith
PA Smith 4390 SRGH
In heavy sand in open Burkea/Teminalia/Combretum woodlandXaru Peninsula, edge of Okavango Panhandle, near Hauxa, Southeast of Shakawe 0Botswana1821B4N995

Bushy shrublet to 0.75m tall; only old dired and insect damaged fruit available.

41407 Salvinia molesta9 Feb 1987PA Smith
PA Smith 4960 SRGH
Free-floating, mat forming aquatic fern in Madiba, channels and Swamps in Xini0Botswana1923A4N0

An introduced weed, the subject of an eradication campaign in this area

74227 Sesamum calycinum subsp. baumii31 Jan 1978PA Smith
PA Smith 2328 H-D Ihlenfeldt SRGH
In open grassland on an island edge well above water level. Along the Cuando-Linyanti system.0Botswana1823A2N960

A 1 m tall herb with woody rootstock. Elsewhere noted at the drier limits of floodplains well away from perennial swamps. Scattered distribution.


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Collections made by Peter Smith., retrieved 10 February 2025

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