Records made by James Whellan

Records: 41

The following is a list of the records made by James Whellan in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
39831 Abrodictyum rigidum 6 Sep 1966 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 2279 SRGH
River bank in deep shade below Haroni Gorge Haroni Gorge, Chimanimani 0 Zimbabwe 2033A1 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
39833 Abrodictyum rigidum 9 Apr 1958 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1529 SRGH
Bundi river source, Chimanimani Mts. 33 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 E 1830

Fronds erect

0.000000 0.000000 2
115480 Abutilon englerianum Jun 1961 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1846 SRGH
Waste ground Hatfield Road, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

Tall, 8 ft, much-branched herb with handsome bright yellow flowers.

0.000000 0.000000 0
48857 Adiantum incisum 8 May 1955 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 846 SRGH
Msengesi Camp, Darwin district 0 Zimbabwe 1730C4 C 1220

0.000000 0.000000 2
48841 Adiantum incisum 31 May 1949 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 408 SRGH
Rock crevices above Mashunganyendi pool Nunyani River, Lomagundi, Makonde district. 0 Zimbabwe 1630A4 N 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
48929 Adiantum lunulatum 29 Jan 1948 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 294 SRGH
In dense shade on bank of stream Sipolilo, Lomagundi district 0 Zimbabwe 1630D1 N 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
115060 Aerva lanata 15 Aug 1971 LC Leach
JA Whellan
LC Leach JA Whellan 14812 SRGH
Little Malosa River near foot of Mt Mulanje. 0 Malawi 1635B1 S 830

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9, part 1 (1988).

-16.028350 35.540090 5
5462 Alepidea peduncularis 3 Mar 1956 RM Davies
JA Whellan
RM Davies JA Whellan 985 SRGH
Summit ridge, Mt Nyangani 0 Zimbabwe 1832D4 E 2440

0.000000 0.000000 0
122782 Amaranthus thunbergii 16 Jan 1952 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 622 SRGH
Weed in cultivated field Hatfield, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
24496 Arthropteris orientalis 9 May 1955 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 882 SRGH
Shady rocky streamside Darwin, Umsengezi camp 0 Zimbabwe 1631C1 N 1125

0.000000 0.000000 2
35639 Asplenium erectum Sep 1961 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1854 SRGH
Chirinda Forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
106550 Ceropegia floribundior Nov 1951 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 576 SRGH
Hatfield, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
126234 Chironia palustris subsp. transvaalensis 5 Nov 1961 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1880 SRGH
Marlborough, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
52411 Christella chaseana 12 Aug 1951 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 535 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Kariangwe spring, sebungwe district 0 Zimbabwe 1727D3 N 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
121058 Cichorium intybus Feb 1964 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 2099 SRGH
Arcadia, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
84559 Crotalaria alexandri 7 Apr 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1217 SRGH
Deciduous woodland Hatfield, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
30211 Cyathea dregei 28 Oct 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1433 SRGH
Inyanga, Juliasdale 0 Zimbabwe 1832B3 E 1520

0.000000 0.000000 0
22550 Dicranopteris linearis 9 Jun 1950 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 434 SRGH
Chipinga, Chibudzana falls 0 Zimbabwe 2032B1 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
22388 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum 19 Sep 1963 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1041 SRGH
Kariba, Binga 0 Zimbabwe 1727D2 N 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
22390 Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum 10 May 1955 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 887 SRGH
Rock crevices on Umsengesi R. bank above gorge Darwin, Umsengesi river (Musengezi river?) 0 Zimbabwe 1631D3 N 915

0.000000 0.000000 0
69045 Euphorbia oatesii Oct 1948 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 390 SRGH
Chebira Hot Spring, Binga District 0 Zimbabwe 1827B2 W 980

Cited in Flora Zambesiaca volume 9 part 5: 387 (2001)

-18.168920 27.780820 5
116636 Hesperantha longicollis 17 Aug 1958 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1555 SRGH
Hatfield, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

77280 Hippocratea indica 14 Aug 1951 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 514 NKB Robson SRGH
In mopane woodland Sebungwe,Zhanwa. 0 Zimbabwe 1728B2 N 800

Climber up to 20 ft, closely appressed to trunks of Colophospermum mopane.

0.000000 0.000000 2
40243 Hymenophyllum kuhnii 26 Aug 1966 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 2186 SRGH
Bundi River, Chimanimani 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 E 1680

0.000000 0.000000 2
22450 Hypolepis sparsisora 20 Sep 1947 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 216 SRGH
Chipinga, Gungunyana forest 0 Zimbabwe 2032B2 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
52859 Lepisorus excavatus 9 Apr 1958 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1528 SRGH
Epiphyte on trees Bundi River source, Chimanimani Mts. 33 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 E 1830

0.000000 0.000000 2
37094 Lygodium kerstenii 3 Sep 1947 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 105 SRGH
Climbing fern in forest Chirinda forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
42465 Marsilea ephippiocarpa 15 May 1963 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 2034 GOE Launert SRGH
Mopani woodland Chiredzi 0 Zimbabwe 2131B1 S 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
35032 Mohria lepigera 26 Jan 1962 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1916 SRGH
Rocky hillside. Rhodes Hotel, Inyanga. 54 0 Zimbabwe 1832B3 VQ71-78- E 0

0.000000 0.000000 5
53209 Pityrogramma argentea 26 Aug 1964 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 2178 SRGH
Among quartzite rocks. Stonehenge, Chimanimani 33 0 Zimbabwe 1933C3 E 1680

0.000000 0.000000 2
52725 Pneumatopteris unita 20 Sep 1947 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 221 SRGH
Gungunyana Forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
41109 Psilotum nudum 10 Aug 1951 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 540 EACLE Schelpe SRGH
Growing in crevices in sandstone, in full shade, over open pool of permanent water, with Adiantum capillus-veneris. Masene River Gorge, Sebungwe 0 Zimbabwe 0

0.000000 0.000000 0
53298 Pteris cretica 20 Apr 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1234 SRGH
Stream bank. Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani district. 64 0 Zimbabwe 1932D4 E 1830

0.000000 0.000000 2
22748 Ptisana salicifolia 30 Oct 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1445 SRGH
Shady ravine Chimanimani, near Bonny Eagle orchids 0 Zimbabwe 2032B2 VN84-87- E 1370

0.000000 0.000000 0
106540 Sebaea grandis 26 Feb 1961 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1803 SRGH
In bare patches in deciduous woodland Hatfield, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

Herb about 5-10 cm high. Flowers creamy-yellow, large-flowered relatively

0.000000 0.000000 0
106541 Sebaea minuta 7 Apr 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1223 SRGH
Marshy ground Hatfield, Harare 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 0

Flowers ivory white

0.000000 0.000000 0
42030 Selaginella imbricata 29 Jul 1950 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 432 SRGH
In hollows of rocks Matibi river, Hwange 0 Zimbabwe W 760

0.000000 0.000000 0
123979 Sisymbrium orientale 28 Aug 1960 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1681 B Jonsell SRGH
Railway siding at Farmers' Co-op, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 1500

0.000000 0.000000 0
120312 Spermacoce arvensis 7 Apr 1957 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1225 SRGH
Deciduous woodland. Hatfield, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 1463

Flowers cream.

0.000000 0.000000 0
48684 Tectaria gemmifera Sep 1961 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1861 SRGH
Very large fern near a big tree Chirinda forest 6 0 Zimbabwe 2032B3 E 0

0.000000 0.000000 2
124095 Tephrosia decora 17 Feb 1057 JA Whellan
JA Whellan 1176 RK Brummitt SRGH
Deciduous woodland. Hatfield, Harare. 1 0 Zimbabwe 1731C3 C 1460

0.000000 0.000000 0

Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Records made by James Whellan., retrieved 13 February 2025

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