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Fernandes, R. (2005) Verbenaceae Flora Zambesiaca 8(7)
Verdcourt, B. (1992) Verbenaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa
Herbs, shrubs, trees or woody climbers, sometimes spiny, with often square stems. Stipules 0. Leaves usually opposite, sometimes whorled, rarely alternate, simple or dissected. Flowers mostly zygomorphic and 2-lipped, sometimes ± actinomorphic, usually 4-5-merous, usually bisexual. Calyx and corolla 4-5-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous. Disk usually present. Ovary superior, usually 2-locular, usually soon 4 (or more)-locular by development of false septa. Ovules 2 in each true loculus. Fruit a drupe with 2-4 pyrenes or dividing at maturity into 2 or 4 nutlets. Worldwide: 41 genera and 950 species, occurring in the tropics, particularly South America, with a few temperate species. Zambia: 7 genera and 19 taxa. |
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Genus | Content |
Chascanum E. Mey. | Description |
Duranta L. | Description |
Lantana L. | Description |
Lippia L. | Description, Image |
Phyla Lour. | Description |
Stachytarpheta Vahl | Description |
Verbena L. | Description |
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