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Shrubs, trees or lianes, sometimes with tendrils. Stipules mostly reduced to an often ciliate and straight rim connecting the petiole bases. Leaves opposite, sometimes decussate, or on the main axis sometimes ternate, entire, with 3-5 prominent veins (including the midvein) arising near the base of the lamina and running almost the entire length of the leaf. Flowers 4-5-merous, actinomorphic, bisexual. Corolla rotate to salver-shaped. Ovary 2- or 1-celled (spinosa). Fruit a berry, 1-2-celled, ± spherical. Worldwide: 190 species in tropical and warm areas Zambia: 15 taxa. Insects associated with this genus:
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
angolensis Gilg | B,N,W | Description, Image |
cocculoides Baker | B,N,W,C,S | Description, Image |
decussata (Pappe) Gilg | S | Image |
gossweileri Exell | B | Description, Image |
henningsii Gilg | N,W | Description, Image |
innocua Delile | B,N,W | Description, Image |
kasengaensis De Wild. | N | |
lucens Baker | N,W,C,S | Description, Image |
madagascariensis Poir. | B | Description, Image |
matopensis S. Moore | N | Description, Image |
potatorum L.f. | B,W,C,E,S | Description, Image |
pungens Soler. | N,W,C | Description, Image |
spinosa Lam. | N,S | Description, Image |
usambarensis Gilg | N,S | Description, Image |
xantha Leeuwenberg[LR-lc] | N,W | Description, Image |
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