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Terrestrial herbs with tubers. Sterile shoots present or 0. Inflorescence a raceme. Flowers usually red or white, less often blue, yellow or green. Spur formed from the dorsal sepal, not from the lip or lateral sepals. Petals free from the dorsal sepal; lip without a spur. Anther erect or horizontal. Derivation of name: possibly named after Queen Disa, of Swedish legend Worldwide: c.160 species, widespread in Africa and Madagascar; also Yemen and RĂ©union Island. Zambia: 32 taxa. |
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Species | FZ divisions | Content |
aconitoides Sond. subsp. concinna (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder | N,W,C,E | Description, Image |
aequiloba Summerh. [DD] | N,W,C | Description, Image |
aperta N.E.Br. | N,W | Description, Image |
baurii Bolus | E | Description, Image |
caffra Bolus [DD] | N,W | |
celata Summerh. | W,C,E | |
cryptantha Summerh. [DD] | N,W | |
dichroa Summerh. [LR-lc] | N,W,C | |
eminii Kraenzl. | W | |
engleriana Kraenzl. | N,W,E | Description, Image |
equestris Rchb. f. | N,W,C | Description, Image |
erubescens Rendle subsp. carsonii (N.E. Br.) H.P. Linder[DD] | N,C,E | Description, Image |
erubescens Rendle subsp. erubescens | N,W | Description, Image |
hircicornis Rchb. f. | N,W,C,E | Description, Image |
katangensis De Wild. | N,W | |
miniata Summerh. | N,C | |
nyikensis H.P. Linder[VU] | E | |
ochrostachya Rchb.f. | N,E | Description, Image |
ornithantha Schltr. | N,W,E | Description, Image |
perplexa H.P. Linder | N | Description, Image |
praecox (Lindl.) H.P. Linder[NrEnd] | E | Description, Image |
robusta N.E.Br. | E | Description |
roeperocharoides Kraenzl. [NrEnd][VU] | W,C | Description |
satyriopsis Kraenzl. | N | Description, Image |
saxicola Schltr. | E | Description, Image |
similis Summerh. | N,W,C | |
ukingensis Schltr. [NrEnd][VU] | E | Description, Image |
verdickii De Wild. [NrEnd][DD] | W | Description, Image |
walleri Rchb. f. | B,N,E,S | Description, Image |
welwitschii Rchb.f. subsp. occultans (Schltr.) H.P.Linder | N,W | Description, Image |
welwitschii Rchb. f. subsp. welwitschii [LR-nt] | B,N,W,C,E,S | Description, Image |
zombica N.E. Br. | N | Description, Image |
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