Collections made by Frank White

Records: 22

The following is a list of the records made by Frank White in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Zambia (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
80732Acacia goetzei subsp. goetzei14 Apr 1952F White
F White 2667 RE Gereau MO
Mazabuka District; Magoye to Lusaka mile 23.0Zambia1527D4S0

Small tree 7 m high, 14 cm dbh. Bark brown closely and shallowly fissured. Large persistent spines on bole and branches. Flowers white. Putting out fresh leaves on flowering branches. Slash: OB: 0.2 cm thick, brown, green on inner margin; IB: 0.5 cm thick, pink, exuding red gum.

80737Acacia hockii17 Nov 1952F White
F White 3678 JPM Brenan Semi-deciduous thicket on shingle at edge of Lake TanganyikaMbala District;: semi-deciduous thicket on shingle at edge of Lake Tanganyika near Mpulungu.2000Zambia0831C3 N0

Tree 4 m high. Bark buff, papery, peeling locally. Flowers golden yellow.

80758Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha24 May 1952F White
F White 2870 JPM Brenan Soil grey-brown loam. With Piliostigma thonningii, Ficus sycamorus, Adansonia.Fort Jameson District; Great East Road, Fort Jameson to Lusaka mile 5.4. 0Zambia1332D1E0

Co-dominant with A. rehmannii on lower colluvial slope. Tree 16 m high, 0.35 m d.b.h. Crown light, +/- rounded; main branches ascending (horizontal on young trees). Bark on bole and main branches dark grey, longitudinally fissured, on younger branches pale buff, smooth. Slash - OB: 1 cm thick, streaked with black and yellow; IB: 1.6 cm thick, fibrous deep red outside, grading into buff inside, gummy exudate. Pods pendulous conspicuous from a distance, pale brown.

80770Acacia seyal var. fistula14 Jul 1952F White
F White 3009 RE Gereau MO
Great North Road, Mazabuka to Choma mile 80Zambia1527D3 S0

Bark is green and powdery

81550Craterosiphon quarrei23 Sep 1952F White
F White 3347 Growing in evergreen forest on well drained sandy alluvium overlying graniteMwinilunga District; Growing in evergreen forest on well drained sandy alluvium overlying granite, near Zambezi River, 4 miles west of Kalene Hill Mission.0Zambia1124A1W0

Small evergreen tree 6 m high with dense crown and slender drooping branches.

81551Craterosiphon quarrei30 Oct 1952F White
F White 3531 Parinari excelsa forest on slopes leading down to small stream.District; Kawambwa. N. (Kaw.): 19 km S of Kawambwa. Growing in Parinari excelsa forest on slopes leading down to small stream.0Zambia0929D4N0

Weak stemmed shrub 3 m high. Infested by ants which make small nests of earth on branchlets.

81552Craterosiphon quarrei03 Jan 1960F White
F White 6151 F White Woodland on slope leading down to dambo.Ndola. Masansa Forest Reserve. 0Zambia1227B4W0

Small tree 15 ft. high.

84813Crotalaria natalitia var. rutshuruensis05 Feb 1952F White
F White 2558 K
Isoka District, Nyika, Kangampande Mountain0ZambiaN0


81680Crotalaria recta23 Mar 1952F White
F White 2327 EWB Milne-Redhead Growing in Acacia campylacantha near small stream9 miles south of Lusaka.0Zambia1528C2C0

Shrubby herb ca 3m high. Standard pale yellow with purple-red veins and patch at base; wings pale yellow beneath, purple-red on upper side; keel greenish yellow

81901Diospyros abyssinica subsp. abyssinica07 May 1952F White
F White 2758 S Bodine MO
Growing in patch of montane forest on slopes of valley occupied by headwaters of Chire River, Kangampande Mt., Nyika Plateau.Lundazi. Growing in patch of montane forest on slopes of valley occupied by headwaters of Chire River, Kangampande Mt., Nyika Plateau.0ZambiaE2134

Small (juvenile) tree, 10 m high with narrow crown. Slash-OB: 0.3 cm thick, black, crumbling; IB: yellow; wood white, very hard. Leaves dark green, glossy above, pale green with darker venation below.

81902Diospyros abyssinica subsp. abyssinica13 Aug 1952F White
F White 3048 Forest ReserveNdola. Ndola West Forest Reserve.0ZambiaW0

Sapling 1.3 m high.

81913Diospyros kirkii21 Apr 1952F White
F White 2434 F White Petauke. On Great East Rd., 30 miles east of Petauke Boma.0Zambia0

Small tree 6 m high; crown rounded. Leaves dark green above. Bark dark gray, rough, deeply fissured longitudinally. Fruits olive-green, shining.

81927Diospyros mespiliformis03 Nov 1952F White
F White 3594 F White Kawambwa.12 miles west of Kafulwe Mission.0Zambia0

Tree 15 m high.

82075Ekebergia capensis22 Aug 1952F White
F White 3133 F White Growing in relict patch of sacred, evergreen forest on laterite cliffs fringing Lake.Fort Rosebery District; near Samfya Mission, L. Bangweulu.1120Zambia1129B3W0

Tree 13m high, 0.7m dbh. Bole slightly buttressed at base, fluted to 2m. Crown irregular in shape, branchlets pendulous

82076Ekebergia capensis29 Sep 1952F White
F White 3399 Evergreen, Syzygium cordatum forest fringing Muzera RiverMwinilunga District; evergreen, Syzygium cordatum forest fringing Muzera River, 10 miles west Kakoma0Zambia1125A3W0

Small tree ca 11m high

82106Embelia schimperi22 Sep 1952F White
F White 3330 J Ricketson MO
On banks of tributary of ZambeziOn banks of tributary of Zambezi, which forms Angolan bourdary, W of Kalene Hill Mission0Zambia0

Liana, 6 m, fruit

82209Euclea divinorum09 Aug 1952F White
F White 3045 F White Central prov0Zambia0

Shrub 3 m high. Calyx dull green, corolla cream.

82218Euclea schimperi16 Sep 1952F White
F White 3268 Solwezi.0ZambiaW0

Shrub 4 m high. Leaves dark green, glossy above, pale green, dull beneath. Petals creamy white.

80283Lijndenia sp. cf barteri20 Sep 1952F White
F White White 3304 K
Kalene Hill Mission0Zambia W0

Young fruit

90748Macaranga schweinfurthii26 Sep 1952F White
F White 3388 K
Mwinilunga District, 6.5 km north of Kalene Hill0ZambiaW0

male fl. & fr.

29124Mellera lobulata11 Jul 1952F White
F White 3006 EWB Milne-Redhead SRGH
Growing in shade of Lovoa swynnertonii - Khaya nyasica - Macaranga capensis - Maba abyssinica forestChirinda Forest Reserve60Zimbabwe2032B3E0

Shrubby herb 1 m high. Flowers pale blue.

83045Ocotea usambarensis29 Jan 1952F White
F White 3776 Chinsali District; Shiwa Ngandu1170Zambia1131B2N0

Tree 18 m. high, 40 cm d.b.h. Bark purplish-grey, closely & shallowly fissured, longitudinally with transverse cracks. Slash - OB: 0.3 cm. thick, pale brown; IB: 0.5 cm. thick, pink moist crumbling. Leaves dark green above, glaucous beneath. Midrib & secondary nerves yellow, with spreading hairs. Flowers yellow. Growing in seepage, evergreen forest near small perennial stream with Canarium sp., Xylopia aethiopica, Trema guineensis & Canthium sp.


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-24

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2024). Flora of Zambia: Collections made by Frank White., retrieved 6 December 2024

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