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Species | FZ divisions | Provinces | Content |
amblyosaccos Schltr. | N,W,E | Nw,N,Mc | Description, Image |
anomalum Schltr. | N,W,C,E,S | Cb,N,E,C,S | Description, Image |
breve Rolfe | N,W,C,E | Nw,N,Mc,Lk | Description, Image |
buchananii Schltr. | N,W,C | Nw,N,Lk | Description, Image |
carsonii Rolfe | N,W,C | Nw,N,Lk | Description, Image |
chlorocorys Rolfe | E | Mc | Description, Image |
compactum Summerh. | B,N,C | Nw,N | |
coriophoroides A. Rich. | N,W,E | Nw,N,Mc | Description, Image |
crassicaule Rendle | N,E | Mc,C | Description, Image |
elongatum Rolfe | N | N | |
kitimboense Kraenzl. | N,W,C,S | Nw,N,C,Lk | Description, Image |
microcorys Schltr.[VU] | E | Mc | |
monadenum Schltr. [VU] | E | Mc | Description, Image |
neglectum Schltr. var. brevicalcar Summerh. | N | ||
oliganthum Schltr. | B,N,C | N,C,W | |
orbiculare Rolfe | N,E | N,Mc | Description, Image |
paludosum Rchb. f. | W,C | Nw,C | Description, Image |
princeae Kraenzl. [VU] | E | Mc | |
rhynchanthoides Schltr. | N,E | N,Mc | Description, Image |
riparium Rchb. f. | N,W,C,E | Nw,Mc,Lk | Description, Image |
sceptrum Schltr. | E | Mc | Description, Image |
shirense Rolfe [NrEnd][VU] | E | Mc | Description, Image |
sphaeranthum Schltr. | E | Mc | |
trinerve Lindl. | N,W,C | Nw,N,C | Description, Image |
volkensii Schltr. | N,W,E | Cb,N,Mc | Description, Image |
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