Images taken by Meg Coates Palgrave

Records: 182

The following is a list of the images made by Meg Coates Palgrave in species name order.

Click on the number in the column headed 'No' to see the full record details and on the thumbnail image in order to view the full-size image.

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NoImageSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)PhotographerColl.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc CodeImage
53995Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus16 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 07-16-01-2013 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
SandforestVia entrada near EN1820Mozambique1835A1MS100

Twiner, pods green

48606Abutilon lauraster Abutilon lauraster15 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.106.05 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Edge of sand forestNear the Cheringoma herbarium, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS80

Shrub c. 1 m tall; leaves with cordate base; flowers orange-yellow; fruits black.

53996Acacia schweinfurthii Acacia schweinfurthii4 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 09-04-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Roadside next to sandforestSawmill area next to the 'turnings' section820Mozambique1835A1MS80

Scambler, 2 m, flowers white

62555Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M818 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Wooded grasslandDimbangombe, near Hwange0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

62555Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M818 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Wooded grasslandDimbangombe, near Hwange0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

62555Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana Acacia sieberiana var. sieberiana21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M818 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Wooded grasslandDimbangombe, near Hwange0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

48231Acalypha indica Acalypha indica7 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.098.10 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Woodland by roadRoad to Mphingue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS90

Bushy annual, in shade

47729Acalypha ornata Acalypha ornata27 Feb 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2341 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapu, next to the James White saw mill, 0.7 kms SSE from M'Phingwe camp site.820Mozambique1835A1MS193

47729Acalypha ornata Acalypha ornata27 Feb 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2341 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapu, next to the James White saw mill, 0.7 kms SSE from M'Phingwe camp site.820Mozambique1835A1MS193

62447Adenia digitata Adenia digitata19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M799 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd. A8, Ken Maur 0Zimbabwe1927B2W1030


62447Adenia digitata Adenia digitata19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M799 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd. A8, Ken Maur 0Zimbabwe1927B2W1030


48327Aerva leucura Aerva leucura9 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.100.16 TCT-Catapú
WoodlandBy path from Mphingue to sawmill, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS90

24917Afzelia quanzensis Afzelia quanzensis21 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu Timber Concession. 820Mozambique1835A1MS100

62616Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala25 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave Open woodlandMatabeleland, Old Gwanda Rd, opp Chesa Forest Research Station0Zimbabwe2028B1W1430

62616Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala25 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave Open woodlandMatabeleland, Old Gwanda Rd, opp Chesa Forest Research Station0Zimbabwe2028B1W1430

62616Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala25 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave Open woodlandMatabeleland, Old Gwanda Rd, opp Chesa Forest Research Station0Zimbabwe2028B1W1430

62539Albizia brevifolia Albizia brevifolia20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M815 M Coates Palgrave BUL
RoadsideByo-Vic Falls Rd near Hwange0Zimbabwe1826B3W770

62612Albizia brevifolia Albizia brevifolia23 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M831 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Deciduous woodlandVictoria Falls Enclosure240Zimbabwe1725D4W890

62539Albizia brevifolia Albizia brevifolia20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M815 M Coates Palgrave BUL
RoadsideByo-Vic Falls Rd near Hwange0Zimbabwe1826B3W770

62539Albizia brevifolia Albizia brevifolia20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M815 M Coates Palgrave BUL
RoadsideByo-Vic Falls Rd near Hwange0Zimbabwe1826B3W770

62432Albizia tanganyicensis Albizia tanganyicensis18 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M795 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandGwaai Forest, Forest Hills S. Road to Headquarters0Zimbabwe1928A1W1100

Three slender trees, white bark

62528Albizia versicolor Albizia versicolor20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M809 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Riverine fringeByo-Vic Falls Rd, Lambo River 0Zimbabwe1826B4W830

62528Albizia versicolor Albizia versicolor20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M809 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Riverine fringeByo-Vic Falls Rd, Lambo River 0Zimbabwe1826B4W830

19847Alchornea laxiflora Alchornea laxiflora16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique.820Mozambique1835A1MS193

19847Alchornea laxiflora Alchornea laxiflora16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique.820Mozambique1835A1MS193

19847Alchornea laxiflora Alchornea laxiflora16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique.820Mozambique1835A1MS193

62521Amblygonocarpus andongensis Amblygonocarpus andongensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M806 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandSikumi Forest, north of Elephant's eye pan0Zimbabwe1826D2W1090

62521Amblygonocarpus andongensis Amblygonocarpus andongensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M806 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandSikumi Forest, north of Elephant's eye pan0Zimbabwe1826D2W1090

62521Amblygonocarpus andongensis Amblygonocarpus andongensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M806 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandSikumi Forest, north of Elephant's eye pan0Zimbabwe1826D2W1090

48531Aneilema hockii Aneilema hockii13 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.104.09 MA Hyde TCT-Catapú
Open woodlandVia Pungue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS60

Flowers pale lilac

59091Anisotes pubinervis Anisotes pubinervis22 Jun 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 758 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave I Darbyshire TCT-Catapú
SandforestCatapú, Via Pungue, S side, Plot SAA2820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Suffrutex or groundcover, several patches on an otherwise more or less bare ground in the sandforest

59091Anisotes pubinervis Anisotes pubinervis22 Jun 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 758 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave I Darbyshire TCT-Catapú
SandforestCatapú, Via Pungue, S side, Plot SAA2820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Suffrutex or groundcover, several patches on an otherwise more or less bare ground in the sandforest

59091Anisotes pubinervis Anisotes pubinervis22 Jun 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 758 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave I Darbyshire TCT-Catapú
SandforestCatapú, Via Pungue, S side, Plot SAA2820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Suffrutex or groundcover, several patches on an otherwise more or less bare ground in the sandforest

59091Anisotes pubinervis Anisotes pubinervis22 Jun 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 758 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave I Darbyshire TCT-Catapú
SandforestCatapú, Via Pungue, S side, Plot SAA2820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Suffrutex or groundcover, several patches on an otherwise more or less bare ground in the sandforest

59091Anisotes pubinervis Anisotes pubinervis22 Jun 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 758 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave I Darbyshire TCT-Catapú
SandforestCatapú, Via Pungue, S side, Plot SAA2820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Suffrutex or groundcover, several patches on an otherwise more or less bare ground in the sandforest

54005Aspilia natalensis Aspilia natalensis15 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 16-15-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Dry river bedChirimadze River820Mozambique1835A2MS60

1 m; orange flowers

62425Baikiaea plurijuga Baikiaea plurijuga18 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M792 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandGwaai Forest, Forest Hills Headquarters0Zimbabwe1927B2 W1060

Pods velvet brown

22221Balanites maughamii Balanites maughamii24 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave In sand forestCatapu, Sofala.820Mozambique1835A1MS95

48542Blainvillea gayana Blainvillea gayana13 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.104.12 MA Hyde TCT-Catapú
In sand forestVia Pungue, Catapu82170Mozambique1735C3MS60

White-flowered annual

22278Blighia unijugata Blighia unijugata16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1 MS90

22278Blighia unijugata Blighia unijugata16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1 MS90

22280Blighia unijugata Blighia unijugata23 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1 MS90

54007Boerhavia erecta Boerhavia erecta16 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 05-16-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
SandforestNear the burn-pit820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Flowers white

62532Boscia matabelensis Boscia matabelensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M811 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd, N. of Lambo River 0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

62532Boscia matabelensis Boscia matabelensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M811 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd, N. of Lambo River 0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

62532Boscia matabelensis Boscia matabelensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M811 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd, N. of Lambo River 0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

62533Boscia mossambicensis Boscia mossambicensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M812 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

62533Boscia mossambicensis Boscia mossambicensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M812 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

62533Boscia mossambicensis Boscia mossambicensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M812 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

48239Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides7 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.098.08 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Woodland by roadRoad to Mphingue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS100

Shrub, 2-3 m, branching low down with sprawling branches; flowers and fruits present

48239Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides7 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.098.08 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Woodland by roadRoad to Mphingue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS100

Shrub, 2-3 m, branching low down with sprawling branches; flowers and fruits present

48239Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides7 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.098.08 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Woodland by roadRoad to Mphingue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS100

Shrub, 2-3 m, branching low down with sprawling branches; flowers and fruits present

48239Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides Bridelia cathartica subsp. melanthesoides var. melanthesoides7 Apr 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde 12.098.08 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Woodland by roadRoad to Mphingue, Catapu82170Mozambique1835A1MS100

Shrub, 2-3 m, branching low down with sprawling branches; flowers and fruits present

54012Bulbostylis hispidula Bulbostylis hispidula24 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 04-24-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
WoodlandVia Lavu near Mufuma Pan820Mozambique1835A1MS80

54013Burkea africana Burkea africana13 Nov 2005JA White
M Coates Palgrave JA White s.n. M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Open woodlandVia EN1S, on W side of road just above culvert near Cissus820Mozambique1835A1MS80


54805Burkea africana Burkea africana13 Oct 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Sandy miombo woodlandNear path from sewer bridge along Mukuvisi River, Mukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1490

54805Burkea africana Burkea africana13 Oct 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Sandy miombo woodlandNear path from sewer bridge along Mukuvisi River, Mukuvisi Woodlands1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1490

54014Capparis sepiaria var. subglabra Capparis sepiaria var. subglabra13 Oct 2012AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 03-13-10-2012 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Sandforest/woodlandNear the Tissadze Ri820Mozambique1835A1MS70

Tree leaning over, four trunks up to 150 mm in diameter

54015Cassia abbreviata Cassia abbreviata10 Sep 2010J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo 7 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandSawmill margin, behind the hospital820Mozambique1835A1MS70

Tree c. 6 m tall, 3 stems, branching low down, bark brown; flowers yellow. Pod brown-black

15918Chazaliella abrupta var. abrupta Chazaliella abrupta var. abrupta16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Understorey of sandforestCatapu820Mozambique1835A1MS90

15918Chazaliella abrupta var. abrupta Chazaliella abrupta var. abrupta16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Understorey of sandforestCatapu820Mozambique1835A1MS90

54016Chrysopogon nigritanus Chrysopogon nigritanus3 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 04-03-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
RoadsideVia Lavu at Tissadzi River 820Mozambique1835A1MS70

1m high, flowers green

47892Cissus quadrangularis Cissus quadrangularis9 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2550 M Coates Palgrave Nhambita, edge of Gwasha, 1.45 km N of the Pungwe river, measuring from 400 m W of the point in river closest to the Old cotton factory.890Mozambique1934A1MS61

47930Citropsis daweana Citropsis daweana12 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2590 M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapú, Machamba Experimental, 3.96 km NE from junction of roads EN1 and 213 close to the EN1. 820Mozambique1835A1MS124

47930Citropsis daweana Citropsis daweana12 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2590 M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapú, Machamba Experimental, 3.96 km NE from junction of roads EN1 and 213 close to the EN1. 820Mozambique1835A1MS124

47930Citropsis daweana Citropsis daweana12 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2590 M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapú, Machamba Experimental, 3.96 km NE from junction of roads EN1 and 213 close to the EN1. 820Mozambique1835A1MS124

47930Citropsis daweana Citropsis daweana12 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2590 M Coates Palgrave BNRH
Catapú, Machamba Experimental, 3.96 km NE from junction of roads EN1 and 213 close to the EN1. 820Mozambique1835A1MS124

54019Cleome monophylla Cleome monophylla11 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 01-11-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
RoadsideEN1, N side, near the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS100

62468Combretum celastroides subsp. celastroides Combretum celastroides subsp. celastroides19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M801 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Woodland on sandGwaai Forest, Somgolo rd.0Zimbabwe1927B2 W1020

62446Combretum elaeagnoides Combretum elaeagnoides19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M798 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd. A8, Ken Maur 0Zimbabwe1927B2W1030

4 trees ± 3 m

62446Combretum elaeagnoides Combretum elaeagnoides19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M798 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd. A8, Ken Maur 0Zimbabwe1927B2W1030

4 trees ± 3 m

62557Commiphora mossambicensis Commiphora mossambicensis21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M820 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Deciduous woodlandDimbangombe, near Hwange0Zimbabwe1825B2W1040

62586Commiphora mossambicensis Commiphora mossambicensis21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M823 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari Sand WoodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd near the Airport0Zimbabwe1825B2W1050

62586Commiphora mossambicensis Commiphora mossambicensis21 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M823 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari Sand WoodlandByo-Vic Falls Rd near the Airport0Zimbabwe1825B2W1050

18945Cordia pilosissima Cordia pilosissimaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS

18945Cordia pilosissima Cordia pilosissimaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS

24656Craterispermum schweinfurthii Craterispermum schweinfurthii18 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Mozambique880Mozambique1834D4MS200

24656Craterispermum schweinfurthii Craterispermum schweinfurthii18 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Mozambique880Mozambique1834D4MS200

24656Craterispermum schweinfurthii Craterispermum schweinfurthii18 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Mozambique880Mozambique1834D4MS200

24656Craterispermum schweinfurthii Craterispermum schweinfurthii18 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Mozambique880Mozambique1834D4MS200

22306Cryptosepalum maraviense Cryptosepalum maraviense10 Oct 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Nkhotakota, Malawi.0Malawi1234C4500

18046Dalbergia boehmii subsp. boehmii Dalbergia boehmii subsp. boehmii11 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M462 M Coates Palgrave SandforestAlong Southwestern firebreak, Catapu Concession, Sofala.820Mozambique1835A1MS97

18046Dalbergia boehmii subsp. boehmii Dalbergia boehmii subsp. boehmii11 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M462 M Coates Palgrave SandforestAlong Southwestern firebreak, Catapu Concession, Sofala.820Mozambique1835A1MS97

18048Dalbergia fischeri Dalbergia fischeri11 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala820Mozambique1835A1MS90

18048Dalbergia fischeri Dalbergia fischeri11 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala820Mozambique1835A1MS90

54023Dalbergia fischeri Dalbergia fischeri14 Oct 2012M Coates Palgrave
AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 01-14-10-2012 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Disturbed sandforestCatapu,on the EN1 side of the borrow pit820Mozambique1835A1MS100

2-3 m, flowers white

21492Decorsea schlechteri Decorsea schlechteri22 Sep 2008M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M.636 Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique140MozambiqueMS

Vigna on ground, leafless.

54024Decorsea schlechteri Decorsea schlechteri2 Oct 2012M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 770 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapu, Mpingwe, sawmill path about 50 m from junction with Suni path820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Twiner in the grass, flowers blue & white

54024Decorsea schlechteri Decorsea schlechteri2 Oct 2012M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 770 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapu, Mpingwe, sawmill path about 50 m from junction with Suni path820Mozambique1835A1MS90

Twiner in the grass, flowers blue & white

22273Deinbollia xanthocarpa Deinbollia xanthocarpa11 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Margin of sand forestCatapu Concession, Sofala.820Mozambique1835A1MS91

24652Desmodium uncinatum Desmodium uncinatum16 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lichinga 1000ha Niassa, Mozambique0MozambiqueN0

First record for Mozambique?

24652Desmodium uncinatum Desmodium uncinatum16 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lichinga 1000ha Niassa, Mozambique0MozambiqueN0

First record for Mozambique?

62470Dichapetalum cymosum Dichapetalum cymosum19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M802 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandRoad along Railway line near Mpindo Siding0Zimbabwe1927B1W1020


62495Dichapetalum cymosum Dichapetalum cymosum20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M804 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandSikumi Forest Reserve, Sable Sands Lodge0Zimbabwe1827C1W1040

62470Dichapetalum cymosum Dichapetalum cymosum19 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M802 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandRoad along Railway line near Mpindo Siding0Zimbabwe1927B1W1020


62495Dichapetalum cymosum Dichapetalum cymosum20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M804 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandSikumi Forest Reserve, Sable Sands Lodge0Zimbabwe1827C1W1040

62607Diospyros batocana Diospyros batocana23 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M827 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandJafuta Lodge grounds0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

62607Diospyros batocana Diospyros batocana23 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M827 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandJafuta Lodge grounds0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

62607Diospyros batocana Diospyros batocana23 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M827 M Coates Palgrave BUL
Kalahari sand woodlandJafuta Lodge grounds0Zimbabwe1825B2W970

62535Diospyros quiloensis Diospyros quiloensis20 Oct 2014M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
P Ndlovu
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave Disturbed area next to the roadByo-Vic Falls Rd0Zimbabwe1826B3W700

47872Diplorhynchus condylocarpon Diplorhynchus condylocarpon8 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2529 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Nhambita; 450 m NE of Old cotton factory on road 218, just NE of Pungue river.890Mozambique1934A1MS139

24650Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia16 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Uguezi R., Chimbonila, Niassa, Mozambique0MozambiqueN

These are female flowers; note the long styles (see inset photo for detail)

24796Droogmansia pteropus Droogmansia pteropus18 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Mazogo, Lago, Niassa, Mozambique0MozambiqueN0

24796Droogmansia pteropus Droogmansia pteropus18 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Mazogo, Lago, Niassa, Mozambique0MozambiqueN0

21494Eminia antennulifera Eminia antennulifera19 Sep 2008M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique140MozambiqueMS

54030Eragrostis superba Eragrostis superba16 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 01-16-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
RoadsideEN1, next to the tchapa stop at the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS90

29345Erythrina humeana Erythrina humeanaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Condué, Cheringoma, Sofala, Mozambique880MozambiqueMS0

29345Erythrina humeana Erythrina humeanaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Condué, Cheringoma, Sofala, Mozambique880MozambiqueMS0

22101Erythroxylum zambesiacum Erythroxylum zambesiacumNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Tiger Bay, Lake Kariba0Zimbabwe1628C4N500

22101Erythroxylum zambesiacum Erythroxylum zambesiacumNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Tiger Bay, Lake Kariba0Zimbabwe1628C4N500

16973Eulophia tuberculata Eulophia tuberculata19 Aug 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave In sandy miombo woodlandN side of the Mukuvisi River1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1490

Colony of c.10 plants. Close to and possibly the same as the previous colony.

42528Garcinia livingstonei Garcinia livingstonei19 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M501 M Coates Palgrave Riverine forest.Levasflor Concession, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4 MS200

42528Garcinia livingstonei Garcinia livingstonei19 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M501 M Coates Palgrave Riverine forest.Levasflor Concession, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4 MS200

42528Garcinia livingstonei Garcinia livingstonei19 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M501 M Coates Palgrave Riverine forest.Levasflor Concession, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4 MS200

42528Garcinia livingstonei Garcinia livingstonei19 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M501 M Coates Palgrave Riverine forest.Levasflor Concession, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4 MS200

22218Grewia micrantha Grewia micranthaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique.820MozambiqueMS0

54118Gymnosporia putterlickioides Gymnosporia putterlickioides14 Oct 2010M Coates Palgrave
J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo 58 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapú, Via Mpingwe, 50 m from old entrance, opposite Lodge 25, E side820Mozambique1835A1MS100

10 stemmed tree about 5.5 m tall and 3 to 4 m wide, flowers white

54118Gymnosporia putterlickioides Gymnosporia putterlickioides14 Oct 2010M Coates Palgrave
J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo 58 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapú, Via Mpingwe, 50 m from old entrance, opposite Lodge 25, E side820Mozambique1835A1MS100

10 stemmed tree about 5.5 m tall and 3 to 4 m wide, flowers white

54118Gymnosporia putterlickioides Gymnosporia putterlickioides14 Oct 2010M Coates Palgrave
J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo 58 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapú, Via Mpingwe, 50 m from old entrance, opposite Lodge 25, E side820Mozambique1835A1MS100

10 stemmed tree about 5.5 m tall and 3 to 4 m wide, flowers white

54118Gymnosporia putterlickioides Gymnosporia putterlickioides14 Oct 2010M Coates Palgrave
J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo 58 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
WoodlandCatapú, Via Mpingwe, 50 m from old entrance, opposite Lodge 25, E side820Mozambique1835A1MS100

10 stemmed tree about 5.5 m tall and 3 to 4 m wide, flowers white

53555Gymnosporia senegalensis Gymnosporia senegalensis31 Aug 2013M Coates Palgrave
K van Laeren
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave Sandveld open woodlandHippo Valley Wildlife reserve159240Zimbabwe2131B2S333

53555Gymnosporia senegalensis Gymnosporia senegalensis31 Aug 2013M Coates Palgrave
K van Laeren
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave Sandveld open woodlandHippo Valley Wildlife reserve159240Zimbabwe2131B2S333

53555Gymnosporia senegalensis Gymnosporia senegalensis31 Aug 2013M Coates Palgrave
K van Laeren
M Coates Palgrave MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave Sandveld open woodlandHippo Valley Wildlife reserve159240Zimbabwe2131B2S333

22228Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanusNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Soutpansberg, South Africa.0South Africa 0

22228Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanusNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Soutpansberg, South Africa.0South Africa 0

22228Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanusNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Soutpansberg, South Africa.0South Africa 0

54111Habenaria malacophylla Habenaria malacophylla21 Apr 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave 713 V Fibeck TCT-Catapú
Miombo woodland, in grassless patch in shade Nhambita, Conservation plot two890Mozambique1834C3 MS120

Slender ground orchid,

54036Heteropogon melanocarpus Heteropogon melanocarpus9 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 05-09-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
RoadsideNext to the N1 hear the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS90

1 m high

54037Hibiscus allenii Hibiscus allenii4 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 05-04-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
RoadsideCatapu, next to the EN1, at the taxi stop820Mozambique1835A1MS100

Red flowers

52328Hibiscus schinzii Hibiscus schinzii May 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave In sandBazaruto Island1570Mozambique2135C2GI6

Stems prostrate

54038Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius Hibiscus vitifolius subsp. vitifolius4 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 12-04-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Disturbed sandforestCatapu, near the entrance to the Container Yard820Mozambique1835A1MS80

Flowers yellow

54039Hippocratea buchananii Hippocratea buchananii7 Dec 2012AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 03-07-12-2012 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Sandforest/woodlandNext to the EN1 near the Catapu entrance, S. side 820Mozambique1835A1MS100

5 m

22235Hugonia orientalis Hugonia orientalis16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4MS200

22235Hugonia orientalis Hugonia orientalis16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Cheringoma.880Mozambique1834D4MS200

22167Hymenocardia acida var. acida Hymenocardia acida var. acida18 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor880Mozambique1834D4MS0

Male flowers.

22168Hymenocardia ulmoides Hymenocardia ulmoidesNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Cheringoma, Sofala, Mozambique.880MozambiqueMS0

22169Hymenocardia ulmoides Hymenocardia ulmoidesNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS0

22169Hymenocardia ulmoides Hymenocardia ulmoidesNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS0

28972Justicia flava Justicia flavaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS

18139Kalaharia uncinata Kalaharia uncinata3 Oct 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lilongwe2090Malawi1333D41100

54042Kalanchoe lanceolata Kalanchoe lanceolata10 Sep 2010J Verissimo
M Coates Palgrave J Verissimo JV5 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Dry, sandy riverbedTissadze River bank, Catapu820Mozambique1835A1MS70

Succulent herb, 1 m high; flowers orange

47942Khaya anthotheca Khaya anthotheca12 Jun 2010M Coates Palgrave
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Coates Palgrave OG Maurin 2604 M Coates Palgrave Catapú, Tissadze River, 450 m NE of the Sawmill 820Mozambique1835A1 MS66

24592Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa19 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique0Mozambique1235C3N1250

24592Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa19 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique0Mozambique1235C3N1250

24592Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa Kotschya strigosa var. strigosa19 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Liconhile, Lago district, Niassa Province, Mozambique0Mozambique1235C3N1250

16333Kyphocarpa angustifolia Kyphocarpa angustifolia15 Jul 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Open sandy miombo woodlandNear Jacana Yacht Club, Lake Chivero110Zimbabwe1730D4TR682204C1390

49207Lannea discolor Lannea discolor18 Sep 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Roadside vergeAbout 20 m from the National Parks Headquarters gate on the Borrowdale Road side, Sandringham Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3C1534

54045Maerua angolensis Maerua angolensis30 Aug 2005MJ Inacio
M Coates Palgrave MJ Inacio 9 M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Single tree in cleared areaCatapu, sawmill area, at entrance to via entrada820Mozambique1835A1MS80

15 m tall, bark granular, greyish, two coppice shoots at the base, trunk partly damaged up one side, ? Fire

21290Maprounea africana Maprounea africanaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Cheringoma, Sofala, Mozambique.880MozambiqueMS0

21290Maprounea africana Maprounea africanaNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Levasflor, Cheringoma, Sofala, Mozambique.880MozambiqueMS0

54047Melinis repens subsp. repens Melinis repens subsp. repens11 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 05-11-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
RoadsideNext to the EN1,near the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS90

1 m high, flowers vermilion

54051Momordica foetida Momordica foetida4 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 07-04-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
RoadsideCatapu, Via Entrada between the control point and EN1, N side820Mozambique1835A1MS90

2m high, flowers green

28694Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteri Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteriNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lilongwe, Malawi 0Malawi0

28694Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteri Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. schlechteriNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lilongwe, Malawi 0Malawi0

54054Neptunia oleracea Neptunia oleracea24 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 12-24-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
PanCatapu, Nfuma pan next to Via Lavu820Mozambique1835A1MS80

Flowers yellow

22237Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata Olea europaea subsp. cuspidataNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Kruger National Park, South Africa.0South Africa

54060Opilia amentacea Opilia amentacea6 Nov 2012AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 05-06-11-2012 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
Disturbed sandforestCatapu, Sawmill fringe near the Tissadze River820Mozambique1835A1MS80

2 m

54061Panicum maximum Panicum maximum11 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 11-09-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
RoadsideNext to the N1 near the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS90

2 m high, flowers green

54063Phacelurus huillensis Phacelurus huillensis15 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 01-15-01-2013 C Chapano TCT-Catapú
Dry river bedCatapu Concession, Chirimadze Valley820Mozambique1835A2MS60

1 m

39518Pilostyles aethiopica Pilostyles aethiopica16 Feb 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
S Bellot
M Coates Palgrave Miombo woodlandBy game fence, Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1500

On small tree of Julbernardia globiflora; flowers male.

39518Pilostyles aethiopica Pilostyles aethiopica16 Feb 2012MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
S Bellot
M Coates Palgrave Miombo woodlandBy game fence, Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3C1500

On small tree of Julbernardia globiflora; flowers male.

28762Polhillides velutina Polhillides velutina3 Apr 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave M685 Miombo woodlandNhambita (PSP15), Gorongosa, Sofala Province, Mozambique0Mozambique1834C3MS130

C. 1 m tall, flowers pale blue and dark blue, visited by bees

24651Psychotria eminiana var. eminiana Psychotria eminiana var. eminiana12 May 2009M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Suffrutex in Brachystegia woodlandLichinga, Mozambique0MozambiqueN

21493Rhinacanthus zambesiacus Rhinacanthus zambesiacus19 Sep 2008M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique140MozambiqueMS

54067Rhynchosia sublobata Rhynchosia sublobata10 Jan 2013AA Alfaca
M Coates Palgrave AA Alfaca 04-10-01-2013 MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TCT-Catapú
RoadsideEN1, near the Catapu entrance820Mozambique1835A1MS100

1 m high

22246Rothmannia fischeri subsp. fischeri Rothmannia fischeri subsp. fischeri Sep 1985M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Near Marondera.0ZimbabweC0

22246Rothmannia fischeri subsp. fischeri Rothmannia fischeri subsp. fischeri Sep 1985M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Near Marondera.0ZimbabweC0

74401Sansevieria pearsonii Sansevieria pearsonii20 Nov 2011M Coates Palgrave
MG Bingham
M Coates Palgrave Boulders/kopje South of picnic site Harava Dam49460Zimbabwe1731C3C1430

74401Sansevieria pearsonii Sansevieria pearsonii20 Nov 2011M Coates Palgrave
MG Bingham
M Coates Palgrave Boulders/kopje South of picnic site Harava Dam49460Zimbabwe1731C3C1430

15952Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea Steganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea1 Oct 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Lilongwe2090Malawi1333D4C1050

76893Stereospermum kunthianum Stereospermum kunthianum6 Oct 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave M Coates Palgrave Nkhotakota.0Malawi1234C4C520

24745Strychnos potatorum Strychnos potatorum16 Nov 2006M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave In sand forestCatapu, Sofala820Mozambique1835A1MS90

32947Strychnos usambarensis Strychnos usambarensisNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS0

32947Strychnos usambarensis Strychnos usambarensisNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Sofala, Mozambique820MozambiqueMS0

52341 (cultivated)Tabebuia heterophylla Tabebuia heterophylla (cultivated) May 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Santa Carolina Island1572Mozambique2135C2GI8

Cultivated tree, c. 3-4 m high

52341 (cultivated)Tabebuia heterophylla Tabebuia heterophylla (cultivated) May 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Santa Carolina Island1572Mozambique2135C2GI8

Cultivated tree, c. 3-4 m high

52341 (cultivated)Tabebuia heterophylla Tabebuia heterophylla (cultivated) May 2013M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Santa Carolina Island1572Mozambique2135C2GI8

Cultivated tree, c. 3-4 m high

28980Terminalia stuhlmannii Terminalia stuhlmannii Feb 1990M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Kariba0ZimbabweN

28981Terminalia stuhlmannii Terminalia stuhlmanniiNo dateM Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave National Botanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3C

15911Wahlenbergia capitata Wahlenbergia capitata15 Apr 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Grassy area in open woodlandHaka Game Park1,30Zimbabwe1731C3UR045278C1560

15911Wahlenbergia capitata Wahlenbergia capitata15 Apr 2007MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Grassy area in open woodlandHaka Game Park1,30Zimbabwe1731C3UR045278C1560

28643Ziziphus pubescens subsp. pubescens Ziziphus pubescens subsp. pubescens21 May 2005M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave Catapu, Mozambique820Mozambique1835A1MS200


Copyright: Mike Bingham, Annette Willemen, Nicholas Wightman, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Mark Hyde, 2011-25

Bingham, M.G., Willemen, A., Wightman, N., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. and Hyde, M.A. (2025). Flora of Zambia: Images taken by Meg Coates Palgrave., retrieved 13 February 2025

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